Stevia Rebaudiana

Stevia, a natural and non-caloric healthy sweetener

Refined white sugar
Refined white sugar

It is well known the important role of sugar in today's society as it is used in our meals and in almost every type of product, from sweets and ice creams, to cakes and refreshments, extending to sauces and dressings , breakfast cereals, cooked products, dairy, snacks ... sugar is everywhere.

Indeed, the fact that we find sugar sprinkled into most manufactured products that we include in our diet, has brought us to the point where we have normalised the taste of this substance into something necessary for our palate, a magic powder that enhances the taste of everything.

This drug, in the form of a sweetener concentrate thanks to the refining process of turning cane or beet into sucrose, stimulates the brain (more or less in a similar way as cannabis sativa does), magnifying the taste sensations of the food, whilst also providing lots of calories and creating a desire to eat more and more which, in turn, influences our health and destabilises the amount of energy we consume, making us fat.

Stevia, the substitute for white sugar

Aspartame molecule
Aspartame molecule

We should bear in mind that all of this is well known today, but this substance has become deeply ingrained in our culture and daily habits. It generates huge profits for the companies that distribute it in the business sector which instead of making us aware of its effects and trying to reduce our consumption - or substitute it for other healthier options - have flooded the market with other refined substances with the same or worse unwanted effect -but presented as healthier, "light" or less caloric options - while being synthetic, such as aspartame or saccharin (derived from petroleum).

Among this tangle of interests, unmet needs and the struggles to maintain a healthy diet and take care of our health, Stevia Rebaudiana appears, quietly presenting itself as a powerful but non-caloric sweetener of plant origin, which also has medicinal powers (two actions, same as with medical cannabis). In addition to sweetening without making us fat, it also regulates our levels of glucose in the blood, opening an interesting field to explore in the search for new cures or treatments for diabetes.

The history and ways of consuming Stevia

Guarani woman
Guarani woman

Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni is a shrub-type plant from the sunflower family, the astraceae, native of South American countries with a tropical climate, and nearby, from Mexico to Paraguay. It has been used by the Guarani (South American villages in the area of what is now Paraguay) for more than 1500 years.

It was first discovered by the Spanish botanist Pedro Jaime Esteve around 1550, who named it Stevia. The name of this plant in Guarani was ka’a he’ẽ , which means "sweet herb". Later on, Moises Santiago Bertoni scientifically described the species in Upper Panama; in 1900 Ovid Rebaudi published the first chemical analysis of Stevia. This analysis revealed that it consists of at least ten molecules with a sweetening effect, highlighting a glucoside 200 times sweeter than traditional sucrose (common sugar), but without its counterproductive effects.

In 1964 it was introduced in Japan, which has become one of the largest consumers since then, later expanding to Argentina, France, Spain, Colombia, Bolivia, Peru, Korea, Chile, Brazil, Mexico, U.S., Canada and especially in China, which is a major producer nowadays.

Guarani tribe
Guarani tribe

In Spain, particularly in Catalunya, Stevia has regrown thanks to the hard work and efforts of Josep Pàmies, who, with the help of the internet and his blog www.dolcarevolució.cat, began to spread the virtues of a multitude of plants that were little known but had enormous potential, like Stevia. With the ultimate goal of helping people to improve and cure their diseases getting away from aggressive pharmaceutical drug treatments, he decided to make cuttings from this plant or from many other plants with therapeutic properties. He also offers various herbs, books and products, all at very affordable prices.

Benefits from consuming  Stevia

The benefits of Stevia - besides its sweetener properties - are perceived mainly in terms of regulatory action of glucose in the blood. It is so useful in that sense that it can even improve sugar levels of people with type II diabetes and in some cases of type I, stimulating the activity of the pancreas. It can be very interesting combined with medical marijuana when dieting, increasing the good cholesterol levels while reducing  the insulin rates.

Moreover, according to many studies and through the first hand experience of the hundreds of people with diabetes who have consumed it, we find strong evidence that this is true . It also lowers blood pressure and regulates the digestive system, being useful for those suffering from anxiety. It also facilitates fat reduction by removing triglycerides, acting both as an antioxidant and as a diuretic. Finally, its antibacterial and antifungal properties must be highlighted, being ideal for preventing cavities if its fresh leafs are chewed.

Stevia is used for stimulating the pancreas in the case of diabetes
Stevia is used for stimulating the pancreas in case of diabetes

To benefit from its properties we just have to drink an infusion on an empty stomach and another one before going to sleep, adding a teaspoon of dried leafs per cup. We can also drink it mixed with other herbs in an infusion. Stevia with hemp leaves, which are rich in CBD - such as those offered from Depr1mera - are a good therapeutic option for those who want to stay healthy and prevent ailments such as stress, overweight or tissue inflammation.

The truth is that this plant's excellent acceptance has led Stevia to be available in a multitude of forms for those who do not wish to consume the leafs. The medicinal elements are processed in the form of liquids, powders, or lozenges.

Growing Stevia at home

Stevia, as we have said, is a tropical plant, so it will change its behavior if we grow it in Mediterranean climates, where the temperature and daylight hours are different. These two factors will affect it during the winter, when the plant will pretty much stop its development, instead of producing new leaves and looking like it is growing. At this point we must be patient and wait until spring, when it will regrow naturally, forming new shoots and leafs.

During the warmer months, from spring to August, it can be reproduced asexually by cuttings, making it simple to get

Field of Stevia
Stevia crop

a few more plants and increase our sweet therapeutic garden.

The cuttings should be taken before the plant has flowers, since a shoot with a flower bud will not  root. The cloning process must begin with a pot filled with quality potting compost, pre-mixed with peat, which can be obtained at any gardening center or grow shop. Once filled up, water it thoroughly, soaking the soil.

When taking cuttings, cut 10 cm off the end of any shoot from the selected mother plant, removing 2-3 leaves closest to the cut, reducing transpiration. Push into the soil, about 2-3 cm, and press the soil down firmly around the stem. If we want to give the cutting some extra help we can add some cloning gel like vitroclon. Finally, place the pot in a shady, sheltered place, out of the heat and the wind which can dry it out, watering it once a day.

Notes on growing Stevia

Stevia in a pot
Potted Stevia

After 28-30 days the plant will begin to grow, and new leaf shoots will become visible, so we will know that it has rootedl and that we can place it directly in the Sun so that it grows faster. From this moment, and during summer, we will only water it when the soil loses moisturer; during winter we will reduce the watering, otherwise roots can rot.
A month and a half to two months later we can transplant the cuttings to a larger pot or plant it  in-ground to maximise the development of the bush and so the production of the leafs that we need for our consumption, to make, for example, sweets like chocolate with stevia. If we want to extend the growing period we can help their growth by placing it in a greenhouse in spring and autumn. Still, at the end of the season, they will stop growing and start to flower; it is recommended to prune at this point, down to 10cm from soil, and removing every leaf since it will be the last harvest of the season. Cover them with a small plastic greenhouse which will improve their condition in winter, protecting their roots from excessive rain and taking advantage of the spring warmth so that they can begin the new season full of vigour.

It is a really hardy plant if we do not overwater it or overfeed it with

Stevia in flower
Stevia floweringchemical fertilizers. It is specially resistant to pests and fungi attacks, and it has little nutritional needs; using an organic fertilizer will be enough, even if we only use a mix of soil and nutrients such as worm castings or ashes, like Nutrihemp.

Regarding preventative treatments, there is not much to do; we can use some Neem oil if we detect aphids or whitefly. In the case of caterpillars we can use Bacillus thuringiensis, a type of ecological insecticide that does not require safety measures, and ensures that we are consuming leafs that are completely toxic free.

An organic and medicinal sweetener that will improve your overall health.

The articles published by Alchimiaweb, S.L. are reserved for adult clients only. We would like to remind our customers that cannabis seeds are not listed in the European Community catalogue. They are products intended for genetic conservation and collecting, in no case for cultivation. In some countries it is strictly forbidden to germinate cannabis seeds, other than those authorised by the European Union. We recommend our customers not to infringe the law in any way, we are not responsible for their use.
2014-06-09 News and Events

Comments in “Stevia Rebaudiana” (2)


mary kennedy 2016-04-01
Thank you so much for this information. I have been using stevia for a couple of years now and bought a stevia cookbook from I miss you and yours and hope to see you again this year some time.


Dr. Cheryl Hanly 2016-04-01
Thank you for posting this article. Everyone human needs to read it!!! Thanks for all you do to try to disseminate the truth! Please keep up your efforts!!!! Dr. Cheryl

Alchimia Staff

Dani Alchimia 2016-04-04
Hi Dr. Cheryl Hanly We're glad you liked our article, thanks for your support! All the best.

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This is the official blog of Alchimia Grow Shop. This blog is intended exclusively for the use of adults over the age of 18 years.

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