Aptus Believer Pack

Aptus Believer Pack

Get now in Alchimiaweb thepromo Aptus Believer Pack and test two of its flagship products in 50ml format.

Aptus is a fertilizer company based in the Netherlands, which focuses on developing cannabis fertilizers with a 100% organic composition, so your plants grow in the best possible way, respectfully with both their biology and the environment.

It provides non-diluted highly concentrated nutrients, stimulators and boosters that will show you the real development capacity of your plants, which will grow at full potential.

We talk about the Startbooster, a root and growth stimulator, responsible for increasing the production of powerful root systems in less time. The stem will grow strong, rigid, what will also stimulate the substrate microlife, improving its conditions.

On the other hand, Regulator is a mixture of trace elements that manage and improve the nutrition absorption by the plant, increasing its tolerance to water and heat stress, and also increasing its defenses against pests and infections. It will also strengthen thecell wall of its tissues.

Start your crop properly thanks to Aptus Believer Pack and Alchimia Grow Shop.