Alchimia Grow Shop presents Derdekea by The Hype, a bio-mineral growth fertiliser designed to promote lush and healthy plant development. It is a product for our cultivation outdoor or in an indoor grow tent.
Derdekea, growth fertiliser with bio-stimulating effect
Derdekea is a fertiliser product formulated with the best raw materials available. It is composed of a balanced and effective organic-mineral mixture, which promotes a fast, leafy and healthy plant development.
Its formula has a high macro nutrient content accompanied by an important organic matter and free amino acids amount. It stimulates the plant metabolism and facilitates the nutrient assimilation by the roots.
This product enhances plant growth and vigour, promoting health and encouraging plants to reach a larger size when reaching the flowering stage. This results in a more abundant and better quality flower harvest. In case of a lack of Cal Mag, it is possible to use Camael by The Hype.
Derdekea, rich in organic matter and 100% bioavailable nutrients
All its components are 100% bioavailable, that is, they are very easy to assimilate by the plant. The product has a density of 1.28-1.32gr/cc and a pH of 3.5-5.5. It can be administered both in manual watering and using an automatic irrigation system.
It is compatible with all substrates and cultivation systems, whether in soil, coco or hydroponics. It is a product that always offers good results, cleanliness and comfort, certainly stimulating and accelerating our cultivation.
The dosage to use is 1ml/l applied during the entire vegetative development stage until the second flowering week. Ideally, an EC meter should be used to adapt the dosage according to the EC required at each growth stage, thus avoiding any over-fertilisation potential risk.
The Hype Derdekea info:
- Bio-mineral growth fertiliser
- Rich in organic matter
- 100% bioavailable nutrients
- Stimulates vigorous and lush growth
- Super healthy plants to reach the flowering stage
- Product compatible with automatic irrigation
- Dosage: 1ml/l (tune with an EC meter)
- Apply throughout the growth period and up to the second flowering week
- Total nitrogen: 4.30%
- Organic nitrogen: 1.80%
- Phosphorus (P2O5): 3.20%
- Potassium (K2O): 3.40%
- Free amino acids: 5.90%.
- Organic matter: 12%