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enEntschuldigung, Inhalt auf Englisch, wir übersetzen dieses. Produkt und bald werden Sie es in Ihrer Sprache haben.

Azaprot is a set of plant extract of Azadirachta Indica (Neem tree).

Azaprot is a biodegradable product against pests of sucking, biting, leaf miners and stemborer insects, acting by contact and ingestion because of its active components. It has an effect on more than 200 insect species. It doesn't affect biological controls and pollinators.

Azaprot is highly recommended for the control of larvae in plants and soil (thrips, ...). It acts without leaving any residue breaking the metamorphosis processes of the insects (larva, pupa, adult).

Azaprot is valid for indoor, outdoor and greenhouse marijuana growing. Do not apply more until 15 days before the harvest.

It's recommended the Mixture of Pireprot with Azaprot during the same treatment for get so a broader spectrum effect, attacking the insect in different ways and at any time during its development.

  • Dosage: Foliar application 2-2.5 ml per litre of water
  • Dosage: Root application 1-1.5ml per litre of water

Eigenschaften von Azaprot

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