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ExHale CO2 generation Bags

  • Geschenk
    Bei Jedem Einkauf
  • Sichere
  • Diskreter
  • Kostenloser
    Transport (*)
  • Schütze den Planeten

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The ExHale CO2 generation Bags are a revolutionary and really comfortable system and to provide an extra supplement of CO2 to your marijuana indoor crop.

Although we have a good ventilation system, and check all growing parameters, the environment of our growing room may not have the CO2 concentration that exists outdoors, placing one of these bags under the light will regulate this problem , simple, comfortable and with no cost or maintenance.

Place one bag per m2, enough for 4 large plants, and see how improves the photosynthesis and the development of your marijuana plants that can get more energy and carbohydrates due to an extra CO2 supply . This combined with a good nutritional plan will correspond to a leafier and vigorous plants and harvests full of buds.

Only we have to open the lid of the gas output and carefree, because it will enrich our air of CO2 the 24h of the day for 6 months or more.

Features of the ExHale CO2 generation Bag:

  • Content: Mycelium CO2 generator
  • Duration: 6 months with use of 24h/day
  • Capacity: 1m2 - 4 plants

ExHale CO2 generation Bags Meinungen und Fragen

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(+34) 972 527 248