The growth stage in Cannabis: A complete guide
Growing cannabis is a fascinating process that encompasses several stages, each with specific characteristics and care. Among these, the vegetative phase or growth stage stands out as an essential period in which the plant builds the foundations for abundant and healthy flowering. It is in this phase that cannabis develops its main structure, grows in size, strengthens its root system, and accumulates the energy necessary to produce the dense and resinous flowers that we like so much.
Throughout the history of cannabis cultivation, indoor and outdoor, growers have perfected their techniques to maximize the potential of plants during this stage. The goal is always the same: to obtain strong, healthy plants ready to give their all during the flowering stage, thus maximizing the quality and quantity of the buds obtained at harvest. From fertilizers to the hours of light needed, today we tell you all the secrets about this crucial phase so that you can prepare your plants to give their best.