Magic mushrooms

The use of so-called "magic" mushrooms dates back millennia, particularly in certain cultures and in shamanic, spiritual, religious, even medicinal contexts. Today, we have a multitude of different varieties of these mushrooms within our reach, sourced from all corners of the planet: Ecuador, Mexico, Thailand, Colombia and many more. So now, growing this kind of mushrooms at home is simpler than ever, especially thanks to the easy access to breads and the information on how to grow them that is so readily available today. In this section of our Blog you will find reliable and proven information about mushroom cultivation, about how to consume them, about microdoses and, of course, about psilocybin, the main psychoactive substance produced by these fungi. From how to cultivate the breads to the latest studies on the use of psilocybin to treat a range of diseases, you'll find all the information you need about magic mushrooms right here.

Harvesting, drying and storing magic mushrooms

Harvesting, drying and storing magic mushrooms

Magic mushrooms, also known as psilocybin mushrooms, have captured the attention of a wide variety of people, from researchers and therapists to hobbyists and growers. These mushrooms not only offer unique psychedelic experiences but are also being studied for their potential therapeutic benefits. However, to make the most of their properties, it is essential to know how to harvest, dry, and store them correctly.

The harvesting process is a crucial moment in growing magic mushrooms. Harvesting at the right time ensures that the mushrooms have maximum potency and quality. Subsequently, proper drying is vital to avoid the degradation of its active compounds and prevent the appearance of mold. Finally, proper storage ensures that mushrooms maintain their potency for long periods.

This article will guide you through each of these steps in detail, offering practical tips and effective techniques to ensure your mushrooms are kept in the best possible condition. Whether you're a beginner grower or someone with more experience looking to perfect their methods, this guide will provide you with the information you need to do just that. Join us as we explore everything you need to know about harvesting, drying, and storing magic mushrooms.

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Instructions for growing magic mushrooms with MycoBag

Instructions for growing magic mushrooms with MycoBag

Today we want to introduce you to a new brand of magic mushrooms called MycoBag and we assure you that it will give you a lot to talk about. This brand was created by Full Canopy, a company from Denver, Colorado, which is now available exclusively at Alchimia. In addition, we are going to explain how to grow with these cakes step by step so that you can get the most out of them and achieve abundant harvests, which as you will see will not be too difficult thanks to the quality of the substrate included in their MycoBag kits.

With MycoBag you can buy the grow bag with the substrate already inoculated and colonized by the mycelium, saving you the inoculation step and thus saving a few weeks of time. Be that as it may, let's take a look at who these guys are, how they work, and what varieties they offer, and then we'll go on to explain how to use their MycoBag grow bags.

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Amanita muscaria and muscimol

Amanita muscaria and muscimol

In the corners of the forests and under the shade of the trees, there is a peculiar mushroom that has captivated the imagination of ancient and modern cultures, and that surprises everyone who finds it; The Amanita muscaria, known for its striking colors and links to mythology, houses within it a fascinating substance to which today we will dedicate this article, muscimol.

This psychoactive compound has been the subject of interest and mystery, taking those who explore its effects on a unique journey into the mind. Join us on this journey into the world of muscimol, as we unravel its secrets and explore the experiences offered by this magical mushroom and its main psychotropic component.

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María Sabina, the mushroom healer

María Sabina, the mushroom healer

Deep in the mountains of Oaxaca, Mexico, lies the legacy of a woman whose name resonates in the history of traditional medicine and shamanism: María Sabina García. Known as the "mushroom healer", María Sabina stood out for her deep knowledge of the healing and spiritual properties of hallucinogenic mushrooms, used in ancestral ritual ceremonies.

His life was marked by the search for healing and connection with the universe through nature, leaving a lasting impact on the understanding of the relationship between humans and the spiritual world. In this article, we invite you to learn about the fascinating story of María Sabina García and her legacy in the context of traditional Mexican medicine.

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Types of magic mushrooms

Types of magic mushrooms

Welcome, psychonautics and lovers of mycological exploration! If you are here, it is probably because you are passionate about the fascinating world of so-called magic or hallucinogenic mushrooms and their psychoactive effects. Or you may simply be curious to learn more about the different species that cause these interesting effects. Be that as it may, today we want to talk to you about the different types or species of mushrooms with psychoactive properties. What substances cause these effects? What types of mushrooms contain them?

In this article, we invite you to discover the answers to these questions about magic mushrooms, which, as you know, can take you to experiences beyond the ordinary thanks to the psychoactive compounds they contain. From the legendary Psilocybe to the mysterious Amanitas, let's explore together the wonders of nature offered by these small but powerful travel companions. Get ready to enter a world of discoveries and psychedelic emotions!

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Contamination in magic mushroom cakes, what to do and how to prevent it?

Contamination in magic mushroom cakes, what to do and how to prevent it?

Growing mushrooms, whether domestic or commercial, is a fascinating activity that allows enthusiasts to enjoy a wide variety of mushrooms, whether edible, medicinal...or magical! However, as with any form of agriculture, growing mushrooms is not without its challenges, and one of the most important problems that growers face is possible contaminations, usually caused by other fungi or bacteria.

As we say, these contaminations can come from various sources and can compromise the quality and safety of the mushrooms produced. In fact, any professional will recommend discarding any mushroom cake (not to mention the mushrooms themselves) that has any type of contamination. In today's article, we are going to take a look at how you can prevent them, which are the most common, and what can be done in case you find traces of molds or bacteria in your mushroom cake.

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Magic mushrooms and stomach problems

Magic mushrooms and stomach problems

Hallucinogenic mushrooms, also known as psilocybin mushrooms, have been used by various cultures for centuries for ceremonial, therapeutic, and spiritual purposes. However, if you already know this type of mushrooms you will know that one of the common concerns associated with their consumption is the possibility of experiencing stomach problems, such as abdominal pain, nausea, or vomiting.

Today we are going to address this question, studying what are the reasons behind these gastrointestinal symptoms, exploring the factors that contribute to their occurrence, and providing guidelines to minimize their impact during the experience with this type of mushroom, so fashionable today thanks to the growing trend of psilocybin microdosing and therapies associated with this substance.

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Popcorn Tek, spore inoculation in corn kernels

Popcorn Tek, spore inoculation in corn kernels

If you are a fan of growing magic mushrooms, you have probably heard about or read about various spore inoculation techniques for the development of mycelium, especially in terms of the different substrates that can be used. In many cases, the material used as a culture medium for the reproduction of the mycelium is some type of grain, rye being one of the most popular.

However, there are many other equally valid alternatives, such as the method that we present to you today, using corn grains as a substrate to inoculate your spores, which is usually known as Popcorn Tek. Discover with us a new way to grow your mycelium with one of the most common and easily available types of grain.

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Blue Honey, what is it and how to prepare it?

Blue Honey, what is it and how to prepare it?

Blue honey is a quick and easy way to store and dose the psilocybin contained in hallucinogenic mushrooms. It is a much easier technique to apply than those we have seen in other articles such as psilocybin extractions and that also, as you will see later, allows your mushrooms to preserve the psilocybin without any type of oxidation or degradation for practically unlimited time.

In this article, we will explain what exactly blue honey is, how it is prepared and stored, and the key considerations for safe dosing. Get ready to discover a world where the delicious sweet flavors of honey meet the psychedelic dimensions of mushrooms, guiding you on a journey that goes beyond the conventional...and also finger-licking good!

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What is Psilocin?

What is Psilocin?

At the heart of the exploration of the mind and consciousness, psilocin occupies a very special place. This molecule, closely related to psilocybin and present in certain magic mushrooms, has been used in ancient ceremonies, has been the subject of a renaissance in scientific research and has sparked renewed interest thanks to its effects and therapeutic possibilities.

In this article, we will delve into the fascinating world of psilocin, we will tell you what it is, what its effects are on the mind and body, as well as the current research that is unraveling its therapeutic potential in the treatment of conditions such as depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder. Join us on a journey into the depths of the human psyche and discover why psilocin continues to challenge our understanding of consciousness and psychedelic therapy.

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Psilocybin Extractions

Psilocybin Extractions

Psilocybin, a psychoactive compound found in certain species of magic mushrooms, has attracted increasing interest in recent decades - and especially in recent years - due to its potential therapeutic benefits and its influence on human consciousness. Today we want to delve into the world of psilocybin extracts and tinctures, a form of presentation that has gained popularity in the scientific and wellness community thanks to its easy way of use and effectiveness.

From a few glimpses of its history to its application today, in this article we will explore how these concentrated psilocybin solutions are opening new doors in psychedelic research, mental health, and the expansion of consciousness. Furthermore, as you can see, there are different ways to make this type of psilocybin-rich preparation, so you are sure to find one that suits your needs!

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Hybrid magic mushrooms: what are they?

Hybrid magic mushrooms: what are they?

At Alchimiaweb we are clear that a large number of readers know, or at least intuit, what a hybrid marijuana variety is and why they are created. They are the result of crossing two pure varieties - the result being known as F1 - to enhance the best attributes of both parents.

Now we will introduce you to the world of hallucinogenic mono-hybrids; two different genetics of mushrooms that, crossed with each other, result in a variety of potencies and productions beyond the reach of the native ones. We will talk about how these hybrids are created and what benefits they offer compared to pure varieties, we will introduce ourselves to one of the most important families of hybrids in the world of entheomycology - the Penis Envy - and finally, we will see what options we have in our catalog for be able to buy spores or cakes of hybrid varieties.

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Blueing and magic mushrooms

Blueing and magic mushrooms

Psilocybin, the psychoactive compound present in certain hallucinogenic mushrooms, has been the subject of fascination and study for decades. One of the most intriguing phenomena related to these mushrooms is the blueing that occurs when they are handled or damaged. This color change in the mushroom flesh is often considered a visual indicator of the presence of psilocybin and other psychoactive compounds and is a topic of great interest to enthusiasts, researchers, and the curious alike. But be careful, because not all mushrooms of this type develop it, and there are mushrooms without psilocybin that do.

In this article, we invite you to discover what the phenomenon of blueing in magic mushrooms is, its relationship with psychoactive effects, the factors that influence it, and what it reveals about the chemistry and biology of these amazing mushroom species. However, let us tell you... it is a normal process and you should not worry at all!

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Lemon Tek

Lemon Tek

What is Lemon Tek?

In this post we want to delve into what is known as Lemon Tek, a revolutionary method with which to consume hallucinogenic mushrooms without suffering the hardships of flavor and texture; We will also try to discover why it is said that thanks to the Lemon Tek you get faster and more powerful trips with magic mushrooms.

To understand the benefits and drawbacks of psychoactive lemon juice, you must first understand what the ingestion of magic mushrooms entails and what synergy there is between Psilocybin, Psilocin, and lemon juice.

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Paul Stamets, a legend of the mushroom world

Paul Stamets, a legend of the mushroom world

In the vast and enigmatic world of mushrooms, there is one name that shines with a special brilliance: Paul Stamets. Known as a pioneer in modern mycology and a passionate defender of nature, Stamets has captivated the attention of scientists, environmentalists, and biology enthusiasts alike. His dedication to mushroom research and cultivation has not only unlocked some of the secrets of these mysterious organisms but has also shed light on their amazing potential to further the sustainability of the planet.

Through decades of tireless exploration and experimentation, Paul Stamets has transcended the conventional boundaries of mycology. His passion for mushrooms is not limited simply to his role in biodiversity but extends to their impact on human health, environmental restoration, and technological innovation. Through his pioneering work in mushroom cultivation and his tireless outreach work, Stamets has demonstrated how these seemingly simple beings can be catalysts for meaningful change in areas as diverse as medicine, agriculture, and bioremediation.

In this article we invite you to explore the life and legacy of Paul Stamets, focusing on his role as a mushroom grower and his contribution to understanding and harnessing the unique properties of these organisms. From his initial fascination with forests and their hidden inhabitants to his bold vision of a sustainable future in symbiosis with the fungal kingdom, we will dive into the inspiring world of Paul Stamets and his unwavering quest for a better world through mushroom cultivation.

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Terence Mckenna, a mushroom-loving polymath

Terence Mckenna, a mushroom-loving polymath

Terence McKenna, recognized as one of the most influential American thinkers of the 20th century, left a lasting legacy in the fields of psychedelia, philosophy, and the exploration of consciousness. With his bold approach and his passion for psilocybin mushrooms, McKenna challenged established convention and broke new ground in the field of the human mind.

In this article we will explore the life, ideas, and impact of Terence McKenna, who dedicated his life to unraveling the mysteries of existence, sparking the imagination of those who ventured into his fascinating world. You are invited!

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About this Cannabis Blog

This is the official blog of Alchimia Grow Shop. This blog is intended exclusively for the use of adults over the age of 18 years.

To buy equipment for growing cannabis at home you can consult our catalogue of cannabis seeds, grow shop and paraphernalia

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