Organic Cannabis farming

More than ever, today we must take care of our environment, so we present here a new Blog category about organic farming. Thanks to this type of farming, we use natural resources in a rational and sustainable way, without the need to use chemical products or GMO (genetically modified organisms). From how to make your own 100% natural boosters and nutrients to how to use other plants to protect your cannabis crops, in this category you'll find everything you need to know about organic farming.

Applications of hydrogen peroxide in crops

Applications of hydrogen peroxide in crops

Hydrogen peroxide is a substance that enjoys great popularity, since it can be found in most homes in the world, being used mainly as a disinfectant for wounds. Who does not have a small bottle of hydrogen peroxide in their medicine cabinet?

However, these disinfectant properties can be very useful for the grower for various reasons, from disinfecting tools to increasing the germination rate of the seeds. But not everything ends here... Today we are going to tell you all the secrets of hydrogen peroxide applied to crops, you will see that there are more than you can imagine!

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Cover Crops, Green Manure & Mulch for cannabis

Cover Crops, Green Manure & Mulch for cannabis
A young cannabis plant happily growing in a cover crop mix of Ground Ivy and Hop Clover

In nature, it's rare to find bare soil, exposed to the elements. Except for human or animal intervention and cataclysms such as landslides or wildfires which temporarily denude it, natural soil is always covered with some kind of vegetation or other. And if you're a gardener trying to maintain a clean vegetable patch, you'll be acutely aware of this, as no matter how much you try to keep the weeds away, they just keep coming back to colonise the bare soil. This is because living soil needs plants to grow in it so it can stay alive, it's just nature's way of keeping soil in optimal health - and we can all learn a thing or two from nature!

The gardening techniques that mimic nature in this way, such as using cover crops, green manure and mulching are fundamental pillars of sustainable organic agriculture, in particular in no-dig or no-till cultivation systems. Depending on how they are managed, cover crops can prevent soil erosionsuppress weeds, increase biodiversity, reduce irrigation requirements, contribute organic matter to the soil and maintain healthy microbial populations in the root zone, all of which can greatly benefit the main crop: cannabis, in our case.

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How to make organic Supersoil

How to make organic Supersoil
Mixing Supersoil

In previous posts, we've seen how we can help the environment - and ourselves - by cultivating organically. Without a doubt, leaving behind practices that damage the soil and sticking to the use of 100% organic fertilisers and soil improvers represents the most rational and respectful option for nature, as well as giving results of a quality that's hard to match with other types of techniques or nutrients.

Since we're close to the outdoor sowing season here in the Northern Hemisphere, we'd like to take this opportunity to show you a great option for your grow this year, which will save you work and money in the long run, as well as giving you the pleasure of consuming a product that's 100% natural and organic, along with the satisfaction of having improved the substrate that you used, as opposed to when other types of nutrients are used. We're talking about Supersoil, an explosive mix for your plants that we'll tell you all about below.

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Compost Tea in the Cannabis Garden

Compost Tea in the Cannabis Garden
Freshly brewed compost tea ready to dilute and apply

Recently, the demand for organically-cultivated cannabis has increased enormously as consumers become more health-conscious and environmentally aware, with products labelled as "no-till","probiotic" or "living soil" fetching premium prices in California dispensaries for their superior flavour. As a result, the cannabis scene has also seen a growth in natural gardening methods and the sale of eco-friendly fertilisers and supplements. The use of compost tea in cannabis gardens has become very popular as growers move away from mineral or salt-based cultivation towards organic gardening methods. With its high content in beneficial microbes alongside soluble macro and micronutrients, compost tea is the perfect, natural way to boost plant and soil health and optimise the uptake, retention and cycling of nutrients.

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Fermented compost: Cannabis and Bokashi

Fermented compost: Cannabis and Bokashi

Along with increased ecological awareness, there’s been a growing interest in organic farming methods, which, besides being environmentally friendly, have a much smaller carbon footprint than other types of cultivation, especially regarding plant nutrition and pest prevention.

Following this trend, you can now disregard mineral fertilizers and use organic nutrients, which already helps - a lot - to protect the environment. However, you can do much more, such as producing your own 100% organic fertilizer with waste from your garden or kitchen, as well as from other crops and agricultural activities. This way, you won’t make those plastic bottles filled with compost travel thousands of miles to get to your home, and instead you can recycle your own waste while obtaining a high-quality fertilizer.

In our article on how to make your own compost, we explained a good way to recycle vegetable waste and harness it for your crops. Today, we’d like to introduce you to another method originated in Japan known as Bokashi that produces even better results in less time. We tell you everything about it below.

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How to make Seed Sprout Tea (SST) for cannabis plants

How to make Seed Sprout Tea (SST) for cannabis plants

What is Seed Sprout Tea or SST?

Despite forming part of Chinese cuisine and medicine for centuries or even millennia, it's only been in the last 30 or 40 years that the western world has really woken up to the health benefits of eating seed sprouts, or germinated seeds. These days it's widely accepted that adding some sprouted beans or other seeds to our daily diet is highly beneficial for their high content of protein, enzymes, amino acids, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. But did you know we can get some great results by adding seed sprouts to the diet of our cannabis plants too?

Yes, it's true! Our plants can make the most of the beneficial properties of sprouted seeds and enjoy a natural boost in growth and plant health. Seed sprout tea (SST) is an easy, economical and environmentally-friendly way in which we can irrigate our garden with our own homemade plant growth stimulant, rich in phytohormones, enzymes, minerals and nutrients, and is suitable for use on cannabis plants in vegetative growth as well as during the flowering period, depending on the seeds being used.

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Growing marijuana with homemade compost

Growing marijuana with homemade compost
Composting process

What is compost?

Compost is an excellent organic fertilizer resulting from the controlled decomposition of any organic, solid or semi-solid material. Several microorganisms are responsible for breaking down organic waste to turn it into a digestible product for marijuana plants .

Compost can be bought in different states: while in nature the creation process takes place by itself, if it's homemade, in addition to obtaining a good fertilizer for our marijuana plants, you recycle organic waste, thus contributing to the planet conservation.

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About this Cannabis Blog

This is the official blog of Alchimia Grow Shop. This blog is intended exclusively for the use of adults over the age of 18 years.

To buy equipment for growing cannabis at home you can consult our catalogue of cannabis seeds, grow shop and paraphernalia

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