Marijuana growing systems

Everything related to the different grow systems used by cannabis farmers. Hydroponics, aeroponics, vertical growing systems, soil, coco coir...

Smart farming, technology and agriculture go hand in hand

Smart farming, technology and agriculture go hand in hand

In this digital age we find ourselves in, smart agriculture, also known as smart farming, is revolutionizing the way we grow plants, including - as it could not be otherwise - cannabis. With the increasing advancement of technology and connectivity, as well as the implementation of the latest advances in robotics and artificial intelligence, cannabis farmers around the world are adopting new tools and practices to optimize their harvests and maximize the quality of their products.

In this article, we want to invite you to explore how cannabis (and also many other crops) is benefiting from smart farming, from remote monitoring of fields or facilities to the use of sensors and irrigation or even harvest automation systems. Discover with us how the combination of traditional agriculture with the latest technological innovations is taking cultivation to a new level of efficiency and productivity.

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What is Main Lining and how to apply it?

What is Main Lining and how to apply it?

Cannabis growers are often looking for new techniques or methods to improve plant performance, whether it's trying new nutrient and stimulator kits, new genetics, or pruning or training techniques. Today we are going to talk about a method of pruning and guiding plants with which excellent results are usually achieved and which combines the application of several other similar techniques. This is the Main Lining, sometimes called Manifold, thanks to which the plants develop heavy colas of buds in a uniform and symmetrical way.

As you will see, it is a fairly simple method, you just have to have the patience to guide the growth of the branches in the direction that interests you the most while you carry out periodic pruning and cleaning of the lower parts of the plants. However, especially for those who do not have a large number of plants, it is a really effective way to improve production without requiring great effort. Let's look at it in more detail below.

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Should you play music to your cannabis plants?

Should you play music to your cannabis plants?

Music is a powerful force. It can make us dance, cry, laugh, relax or elevate our mood. While we can enjoy music by listening to it with our ears, plants may also enjoy music by feeling its vibrations. In fact, studies indicate that the right vibrations played intermittently can help plants grow and ultimately improve the quality and quantity of a crop.

Professional cannabis growers often promote various techniques that home growers can use to obtain the highest quality buds. In this regard, some have resorted to playing music for their cannabis plants after a number of experiments correlated exposure to music with increased size and yield in a variety of species. So it might not hurt to also set up a pair of speakers next to your grow tent and start blasting some tunes at full volume.

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Cannabis cultivation and supercropping

Cannabis cultivation and supercropping

Nowadays, thanks to the legalisation of cannabis in many countries - which has allowed the large-scale production of both CBD and THC - high-yield cultivation techniques are becoming more and more common, even in bigger cultivation spaces where it can take several days of work to apply them. Whether you are a home-grower who wants to supply your own stash or a professional grower in charge of a production company, everyone wants to see their plants give the highest possible yields.

Today we are going to introduce you to a technique with which, on the one hand, we can "tame" the plant in terms of height and shape, while on the other hand, we can significantly increase the final yield of the branches where we apply it. We are talking about Supercropping, a method of influencing the growth pattern and structure of the plants and boosting their performance when it comes to developing huge and heavy flowers.

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Cannabis growing systems

Cannabis growing systems

Many people starting their journey into the world of cannabis cultivation (or other plants) want to know which growing method is the best, since the existing diversity of systems and products often creates a lot of confusion, especially among inexperienced growers.

To help you choose, we summed up the main characteristics of the most popular growing methods within the cannabis community, which can also be used with excellent results for other types of plants. What are the differences between hydroponics and aeroponics? What is NFT? And DWC? In this article, we answer these questions and many more.

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LST - Low Stress Training for cannabis plants

LST - Low Stress Training for cannabis plants
Use highly visible string to avoid getting tangled!

Plant training - a low-stress alternative to pruning

Cannabis is a robust, vigorous and fast-growing plant which responds very well to crop optimisation techniques such as: pruning; propagation via cuttings; hydroponic cultivation and more. In a previous article we looked at the so-called "destructive" techniques like pruning, super-cropping, etc, and in this article we?re going to talk about a very useful technique both for indoor and outdoor growers: Training or tying down, often referred to by cannabis growers as LST (low stress training). This technique originated in the agricultural sector, where for generations vineyards and orchards have been cultivated using a variety of training techniques, to facilitate harvesting and improve the productivity of the crop.

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The SOG cannabis growing method

The SOG cannabis growing method

Sea of Green

SOG or Sea of Green is a marijuana growing technique used to take advantage of all the available growing space. Basically, we only need to completely cover the whole space with relatively small pots, as many as needed. The number of pots used will depend on both the size of the pots and the available space. For our example, we will use a 1m2 growing tent and tell you a few tips that everyone should remember in order to achieve a successful SOG crop.

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The SCROG cannabis growing system

The SCROG cannabis growing system

The English denomination SCROG (Screen of Green) would come to be translated as green netting, and the name comes from the fact that with this cultivation system, the plants are literally made to grow by means of a support mesh that serves as support and guide, so that this method allows you to optimize the production of your garden with the least number of plants, something that in many cases can be a great advantage.

We are talking about a cultivation technique used since ancient times in agriculture, today and for decades applied to marijuana. SCROG is a technique widely used in indoor crops, but it has increasingly taken center stage in outdoor gardens, where discretion must be greater every day and this method offers obvious advantages.

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How to grow marijuana plants in mapito

How to grow marijuana plants in mapito
Amesika 2.0

What is mapito ?

Mapito is a growing substrate used by Dutch growers on indoor crops due to its features, like excellent oxygenation or  moisture retention . It's composed of rock wool and polyethylene flakes.

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About this Cannabis Blog

This is the official blog of Alchimia Grow Shop. This blog is intended exclusively for the use of adults over the age of 18 years.

To buy equipment for growing cannabis at home you can consult our catalogue of cannabis seeds, grow shop and paraphernalia

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