Cannabis nutrient and additive packs

Here you'll find several fertilizer and additive packs from some of the most reputed companies on the market. With these packs, your plants will have everything they need for lush and fast development.

You have from both organic and mineral packs, all of them at very interesting prices!

With the purchase of any pack of nutrients you're saving money and time, and you also get a free dosing cup and - whenever possible - the feeding chart provided by each manufacturer.

Featured products in Cannabis nutrient and additive packs


15.35€ 18.08€


55.85€ 69.85€


63.85€ 75.15€


88.10€ 125.90€


30.10€ 43.00€

Featured offers Cannabis nutrient and additive packs


69.20€ 98.90€


39.90€ 57.06€


88.10€ 125.90€


30.10€ 43.00€


71.30€ 101.90€


49.10€ 70.18€

Latest in Cannabis nutrient and additive packs

Buy Cannabis nutrient and additive packs

50 products Filter tune
It's a Kit

Biobizz Try-pack Outdoor

Biobizz has changed its image, and with it, their packs; they are now called Try-pack, and they are specifically prepared for different gr [...]

  • 18.08€ 15.35€

Biobizz Try-pack Indoor

Biobizz opts for the renovation and thus modifies its packs; now are called Try-pack, and they are specifically designed for different gro [...]

  • 18.08€ 15.35€

Easy Pack Terra by Plagron

Alchimiaweb presents Easy Pack Terra by Plagron. A product set developed for everything needed for indoor or outdoor cultivation, both for growth [...]

  • 18.90€

BioCanna fertilizer Kit

Bio Canna is the best-selling Dutch bio-fertilizer brand of our catalog, and probably of the Spanish market. Since its emergence, this company has constantly enhanced its r [...]

  • 69.85€ 55.85€

Top Crop Auto Basic Kit

We present the Top Crop Auto Basic Kit, a fertiliser set designed by Alchimiaweb where we bring together all the necessary nutrients to prevent any deficiency d [...]

  • 43.00€ 30.10€

Powder Feeding Bio Starter Kit

Alchimia presents Powder Feeding Bio Starter Kit, a set of powder fertilisers to mix with the substrate to enrich up to 100-150 litres, for a comp [...]

  • (Out of stock) 56.21€ 44.95€

Starters Pack - Biobizz

Biobizz presents their Starters Pack, a set of 100% organic fertilisers and stimulators perfect to help you begin the adventure of growing your ow [...]

  • 75.15€ 63.85€

Top Crop Professional Kit

Alchimiaweb presents the Top Crop Professional Kit, a set designed for growers who want to go a step further in fertiliser cultivation. This set contains al [...]

  • 125.90€ 88.10€
UP TO 25%

Canna Terra nutrient Kit

Canna is one of the nutrient brands which invest the most in R & D, what is a guarantee of successful plant development. Canna Terra h [...]

  • Starter Kit 26.90€ 20.15€
  • Pro (1 liter*) 107.90€ 86.30€

Terra Aquatica Tripart Kit: Grow, Micro & Bloom

In this kit you can find the three basic fertilisers from the TriPart range, a system designed by Cal Herrman, formerly a chemist at NASA and the University of Berkeley in Californ [...]

  • 1L 33.60€ 31.90€
  • 5 L 116.10€ 110.25€

HESI StarterBox - SOIL

HESI StarterBox - SOIL contains all the necessary nutrients and boosters you'll need for a complete crop in soil, together in one convenient pack. [...]

  • 62.95€ 53.50€

Easy Pack Natural by Plagron

Alchimia present Plagron Easy Pack Natural, a set of base fertilisers formulated with algae, Alga Grow, Alga Bloom and, as a booster, Green Sensation. It is intend [...]

  • 24.00€

Bud Pack

Bud pack by Top Crop is a fertiliser and additive kit formulated to be used during the flowering stage. These products help plants to provide the best production i [...]

  • 24.00€ 18.00€

Try-Pack I&I Juju Royal by Biobizz

Alchimia presents Try-Pack I&I Juju Royal by Biobizz, set of 3 products 100% organic. It is intended to grow up to 4 plants from start to finish. This product [...]

  • 250ml 19.00€

Tribac Organic by B.A.C.

Alchimia presents the Tribac Kit by the famous and reputable fertiliser company BAC. This set contains three products, Grow, Bloom and PK, everything you need for [...]

  • 32.98€

BioTabs Starter Pack

Biotabs Starter Kit allows you to grow from 5 to 10 cannabis plants, depending on the volume of the pots. This kit includes: 25 gr of Bactrex [...]

  • 60.00€ 45.00€

Bio soil enricher kit

This kit is composed of 3 products of organic origin: Nutrihemp (dry seaweed extracts) [...]

  • 35.46€ 31.91€

HESI 5L Soil Kit

Now available in Alchimia Grow Shop, this HESI %L kit of fertilizers for soil contains everything you need for your marijuana plants to offer thei [...]

  • (Out of stock) 299.90€ 239.90€

Powder Feeding Mineral Starter Kit

Alchimia Grow Shop presents Powder Feeding Mineral Starter Kit, a set that includes all the necessary elements for a complete cultivation in a 1m2 area. P [...]

  • 49.95€ 34.95€

Fertiliser Kit Guanokalong

Guanokalong is a trademark of fertilisers specializing in fertilisers from bat guano both in liquid as in powdered or granulated format.In this fertiliser kit w [...]

  • 57.06€ 39.90€

HESI StarterBox - HYDRO

HESI StarterBox - HYDRO contains all the necessary nutrients and boosters you'll need for a complete crop in [...]

  • 62.95€ 53.50€

Fertiliser Kit Plagron Algae

The prestigious Dutch brand of fertilisers Plagron offers a line of fertilisers based on seaweed extract combined with rooting stimulator, enzymes and especially with the explosive [...]

  • 132.35€ 112.45€

Plagron Top Grow Box Terra

The Top Grow Box Terra kit by Plagron is now available in Alchimiaweb to offer all growers a complete set of nutrients for growing cannabis in s [...]

  • 58.55€ 46.80€

Aptus Tent Set Basic Kit

Aptus Basic Set fertiliser kit is ideal for those growers who want to try fertilisers, additives and enhancers Aptus without resorting to larger containers, being able to contrast [...]

  • 70.18€ 49.10€

Guerrilla Outdoor Grow Kit

Kit with all the necessary elements for outdoor cultivation We have put together the essential products to create symbiosis with the mother earth, intended for as few tri [...]

  • 5 plants 54.00€ 48.60€
  • 10 plants 73.48€ 66.10€
  • 20 plants 110.49€ 99.40€

Kit DualPart Coco Complete - Terra Aquatica

The DualPart Coco Complete Kit from Terra Aquatica is now available at Alchimiaweb. It is a specifically formulated nutrient kit to ensure that cannabis plants [...]

  • (Out of stock) 138.30€ 117.55€

Atami B'Cuzz Mineral Fertiliser Kit

We present the Mineral Fertiliser Kit by Atami B'Cuzz, a company specialised in the fertiliser sector. A set of nutrients now available exclusively a [...]

  • 147.48€ 117.95€

Advanced Nutrients Bio Range Kit

Alchimiaweb presents the Bio Range Kit by Advanced Nutrients, a set with the base fertilisers and supplements within the organic line, ideal to create a [...]

  • (Out of stock) 142.29€ 128.05€

B.A.C. Organic Fertilisers Kit

We present the B.A.C. Organic Fertilisers Kit conceived by Alchimiaweb, an excellent quality/price option offering great products. It provides all the nece [...]

  • (Out of stock) 222.67€ 189.25€

Top Crop TriPack

Top Crop TriPack is a fertiliser kit intended to be used in the various plant stages, rooting, growth and flowering. The kit comprises three different products: [...]

  • 250 ml 18.00€ 16.20€

pH Perfect Sensi Grow Hobbyist Kit

The pH Perfect Sensi hobbyist level fertiliser kit from Advanced Nutrients is one of the best options for users of this well-known brand of quality nutrients who a [...]

  • 218.71€ 164.03€

pH Perfect Sensi Grow Expert Grower Kit

The pH Perfect Expert Grower nutrient kit is designed for growers who want to take their cultivation to the next level, and includes various products to give plants better growth a [...]

  • 321.57€ 289.40€
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