Terence Mckenna, a mushroom-loving polymath

Terence McKenna, recognized as one of the most influential American thinkers of the 20th century, left a lasting legacy in the fields of psychedelia, philosophy, and the exploration of consciousness. With his bold approach and his passion for psilocybin mushrooms, McKenna challenged established convention and broke new ground in the field of the human mind.

In this article we will explore the life, ideas, and impact of Terence McKenna, who dedicated his life to unraveling the mysteries of existence, sparking the imagination of those who ventured into his fascinating world. You are invited!

Undoubtedly, Terence Mckenna is one of the most prominent thinkers of the second half of the s. XX
Undoubtedly, Terence Mckenna is one of the most prominent thinkers of the second half of the XXth century

Who was Terence McKenna?

Born in a small Colorado town called Paonia in 1946, Terence McKenna dedicated himself to exploring and disseminating knowledge about psychedelia, ethnobotany, philosophy, culture, and human consciousness, becoming one of the world's leading writers, speakers, and scholars of his time in these areas. He gained international recognition for his ideas and experiences related to the use of psychedelics, especially magic or hallucinogenic mushrooms, as well as for his great ability to trigger transformative experiences and open the mind to new perspectives.

McKenna traveled extensively across the globe, from the Amazonian regions of Colombia (where he went with his brother in search of an orally active form of DMT) to Nepal or Indonesia, researching psychoactive plants and indigenous rituals in different cultures around the world. His travels and personal experiences allowed him to develop a unique and provocative vision on issues such as the nature of reality, human evolution, spirituality, and consciousness.

In addition to his work as an explorer and philosopher, McKenna was a charismatic and highly engaging speaker. He gave lectures and talks at various events, where he shared his ideas on the transformative potential of psychedelic substances and the need for a new understanding of the human mind, leaving a deep mark on thought and the way of understanding reality at the end of the XXth century.

Through his books, such as "Food of the Gods" and "The New Psychedelic Consciousness," and his numerous interviews, recordings, and extensive filmography, Terence McKenna left a lasting impact on the psychedelic community and beyond. His work has inspired many people to explore consciousness and question conventional notions of reality and existence. In 1975, Mckenna graduated from the University of California at Berkeley with degrees in ecology, shamanism, and natural resource conservation.

Mckenna not only dedicated himself to studying the effects of hallucinogenic mushrooms and other entheogens, he also pioneered their home cultivation (Image: TherapeuticShroom)
Mckenna not only dedicated himself to studying the effects of hallucinogenic mushrooms and other entheogens, but he also pioneered their home cultivation (Image: TherapeuticShroom)

Is Terence Mckenna related to the variety of psilocybes Mckennaii?

Although it might seem so at first glance, Terence McKenna is not directly related to the Mckennaii strain of psilocybin mushrooms. The name "Mckennaii" refers to a specific strain of psilocybin mushrooms, known for its potency and its apparent connection to the name Terence McKenna. However, it's important to note that Terence McKenna was not involved in its creation or genetic selection (although as we'll see later, he may have been involved in the way of reproducing its mycelium!).

As we have seen, the relationship between Terence McKenna and psilocybin mushrooms is based primarily on his personal experiences and his interest in exploring psychedelic effects. McKenna was an advocate and scholar of psilocybin mushrooms in general, but there is no evidence that he was specifically associated with the "Mckennaii" strain in particular.

In fact, the "Mckennaii" strain was named after Terence McKenna as a way to acknowledge his influence in the field of psychedelia and his work in spreading the word about the benefits and transformative potential of psilocybin mushrooms. It was a nice way to pay homage to his legacy, but it doesn't imply a direct relationship between McKenna and the strain itself.

Mckenna was convinced that ingesting psilocybin mushrooms had a strong influence on the evolution of the Homo sapiens mind.
Mckenna was convinced that ingesting psilocybin mushrooms had a strong influence on the evolution of the Homo sapiens mind

Terence Mckenna and the cultivation of psilocybin mushrooms

Despite not having anything to do with this variety, Terence Mckenna was also a student of the cultivation of hallucinogenic mushrooms, carrying out tests and research that he later reflected on, together with his brother Dennis, in a book entitled "Psilocybin: Magic Mushroom Grower's Guide". Published in 1976 under the pseudonyms O.T. Oss and O.N. Oeric, in this publication, the technique of reproduction of the mycelium on rye grain typical of edible mushrooms was applied to psilocybin mushrooms, which represented that, for the first time, anyone could produce their own entheogens at home and with common kitchen material ...a true revolution! This book was revised in 1986 when its first edition had already sold a whopping 100,000 copies.

Spore prints and syringes of magic mushrooms

Today we are going to tell you how to prepare a spore syringe from prints or vials, a simple process that requires maximum hygiene to minimize the risk of contamination. In addition, we will present you the different options you have to reproduce the mycelium and get a copious harvest of mushrooms.

Last years of Terence Mckenna

The last years of Terence McKenna's life were marked by his fight against cancer and his continued dedication to his intellectual work. In 1985, together with his wife Kathleen Harrison, he founded a non-profit ethnobotanical reserve in Hawaii called Botanical Dimensions, with the aim of collecting, protecting, propagating, and studying a series of plants with ethnomedicinal relevance.

In the late 1990s, McKenna was diagnosed with a brain glioma, a type of brain tumor. Despite his illness, he continued to participate in conferences, give talks and share his ideas with the public on a wide range of disciplines: shamanism, metaphysics, alchemy, language, culture, self-empowerment, environmentalism, neopaganism, artificial intelligence, biological evolution, life. extraterrestrial, science and scientism, the network, virtual reality, and aesthetic theory.

During this time, and because he couldn't be otherwise with such a restless mind, McKenna also focused on writing and publishing. One of his most notable books, "The Food of Gods", was published in 1992 and became one of the most influential works in the field of psychedelic studies.

Botanical Dimensions, the ethnobotanical reserve founded by Terence and his wife Kathleen in 1985
Botanical Dimensions, the ethnobotanical reserve founded by Terence and his wife Kathleen in 1985

As his health deteriorated, McKenna chose to seek alternative and experimental treatments for his cancer, such as the use of psilocybin, the active component of psilocybin mushrooms, in the hope that it might have therapeutic effects on his condition.

Terence McKenna passed away on April 3, 2000, at the age of 53, at his home in Hawaii. His legacy as a thinker and explorer of consciousness remains relevant today, and his writings and speeches continue to be a source of inspiration for those interested in psychedelia, philosophy, and the exploration of the human mind.

From here we can only encourage you to study the life and teachings of this unique character, undoubtedly one of the most prolific minds of the end of the last century and who, we assure you, had very interesting things to say!

The articles published by Alchimiaweb, S.L. are reserved for adult clients only. We would like to remind our customers that cannabis seeds are not listed in the European Community catalogue. They are products intended for genetic conservation and collecting, in no case for cultivation. In some countries it is strictly forbidden to germinate cannabis seeds, other than those authorised by the European Union. We recommend our customers not to infringe the law in any way, we are not responsible for their use.
2023-07-11 Magic mushrooms

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