Magic mushrooms - Page 2

Magic mushroom growing: Instructions for Growkits

Magic mushroom growing: Instructions for Growkits

Today we are going to explain the instructions for the Growkits mushroom growing kits, a brand that offers one of the most sought-after varieties by growers and users around the world, the famous Copelandia Hawaiian, also known by the name Panaeolus Cyanescens.

So let's see how to use the Growkit of this popular variety, which, as you probably know, has a much higher psilocybin content than mushrooms of the Psilocybe genus, and which are characterized by their pale appearance and long, thin stems.

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Magic Mushroom Growing: Instructions for Innervisions Kits

Magic Mushroom Growing: Instructions for Innervisions Kits

After presenting you the instructions for the Tatandi mushroom growing kits, today we do the same with those from Innervisions, a brand that develops its kits for those who want to intervene more directly in the process while learning how to prepare their own mycelium reproduction medium and fruiting substrate.

The convenience of the Innervisions system is that you already have all the material you will need prepared and sterilized, ready to start working and achieve a fantastic harvest in a few weeks. Let's see how to do it!

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Mushroom Growing: Instructions for Tatandi Kits

Mushroom Growing: Instructions for Tatandi Kits

Today we present the growing instructions for Tatandi mushroom kits, a Spanish company that has quickly gained a foothold in the market thanks to its varied offer and the quality of its growing kits, which usually give great results. And to make sure that it will be like that, we are going to detail step by step how to carry out your cultivation so that it ends with generous fruitfulness.

As you will see, Tatandi offers cultivation instructions for both its conventional varieties and hybrids, such as White Rabbit or Treasure Coast Albino, something that is not common in other brands that offer similar products. Let's take a look below at how you should grow both types of Tatandi mushroom kits to maximize your chances of success.

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Spore prints and syringes of magic mushrooms

Spore prints and syringes of magic mushrooms

Growing your own mushrooms at home is simple, fun, and downright interesting, as it is a faster process than we are used to with cannabis and where we see truly spectacular changes in a few weeks, sometimes hours. If you have been interested in this exciting world before, you will surely know the different options you have, from buying an already inoculated mushroom cake, with which you only have to maintain certain temperature and humidity conditions, to acquiring spores and carrying out all the process yourself, something that we assure you is very gratifying and, why not say it, cheaper.

Today we are going to tell you how to prepare a syringe from a spore print, as well as the various options you have once you want to start reproducing them. Do you prefer to inoculate your spores in grain and reproduce solid mycelium in it? Or perhaps it seems less cumbersome to reproduce it in a vial or jar and get liquid mycelium, or even directly inoculate an already prepared substrate? The key to everything, we already tell you, are three basic factors: hygiene, hygiene, and hygiene.

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What are baeocystin and norbaeocystin?

What are baeocystin and norbaeocystin?

Psychoactive alkaloids are a group of chemical compounds found in various plants that have psychotropic effects in humans. Traditionally over the centuries, and as you may already know, this type of compound has been used by various cultures around the world for many different purposes, from medicinal to ritual and recreational.

Psychoactive alkaloids can act as stimulants, depressants, or hallucinogens and have various effects on the central nervous system. These effects can vary depending on the dose, the way of administration, the purity and the individual sensitivity of the person who consumes them. Today we are going to talk about two compounds of this class found in certain types of hallucinogenic mushrooms: baeocystin and norbaeocystin.

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Mycotecture: constructions from fungi

Mycotecture: constructions from fungi

Over the millennia, architecture has been a discipline that has constantly evolved to meet the needs of society. And it's not strange, since we all like having a roof over our heads! However, in recent decades a new variable has been added to this already complicated job, the sustainability of the elements used for construction, as well as that of the construction itself.

Partly thanks to this, a new discipline called mycotecture has recently emerged, which uses fungi and mycelium to build structures. This technique has gained popularity due to its many benefits, including its low cost, sustainability, and ability to create unique and functional designs. Today we want to invite you to explore mycotecture, its applications, and the future of this innovative construction technique.

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How to microdose psilocybin

How to microdose psilocybin

Since the most brilliant minds in Silicon Valley made micro-dosing of psilocybin fashionable, using sub-psychotropic amounts of this substance is an increasingly common practice among a wide range of people, regardless of their social status. And it is that the benefits reported by users are comparable (if not superior) to those of many drugs that are usually prescribed to treat, for example, depressive states.

Today we are going to teach you, step by step, how to prepare capsules filled with magic mushrooms rich in psilocybin in no time and in a really easy way. As you will see, you will not need a large investment and the process is really simple. Let's see it!

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"Living computers": How they use fungi to make computers work

We get it, after reading the title of this post you may have wondered "is today April Fool's Day or something similar?" Well no, as surreal as it may seem, researchers at the University of Bristol (University of the West of England) are conducting tests with computer motherboards where fungal mycelium is used for functions of conducting electricity and memory storage.

Indeed, what might seem like a joke or, directly, science fiction, is today a reality thanks to this team of researchers; In this article, we tell you what is known so far about this new application of mushrooms in the world of technology.

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Differences between magic truffles and hallucinogenic mushrooms

Differences between magic truffles and hallucinogenic mushrooms
Magic truffles

Most of people have very associated the psychedelic trip with the image of the mushroom. This has an obvious and easy explanation since it is usually the most used means to perform them. Or not? Bearing in mind that the place in Europe where the most endogenous energy is concentrated is surely Amsterdam, we might think that more trips are made with truffles than with the magic mushrooms themselves.

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Cooking recipes with magic mushrooms

Cooking recipes with magic mushrooms

In recent years, whether we are talking from the point of view of self-knowledge, therapy, or simply having a good time, the interest in and consumption of hallucinogenic mushrooms has experienced a significant increase, as has home-growing this type of mushroom. However, there is something that every mushroom consumer fears: its terrible flavor and texture, which we are sure would not exactly fall within your top-5 gastronomic preferences. If you've tried them, you know what we're talking about.

For this reason, today we are going to propose several different ways to eat magic mushrooms, from really simple recipes to something more elaborate, so that you can fully enjoy the experience, camouflaging the powerful flavor of the mushrooms and without having the feeling of chewing a half-rotten cork stopper. Let's go to the kitchen!

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Bad trips and magic mushrooms

Bad trips and magic mushrooms

Bad trips within the psychedelic world are extremely intense personal experiences at the moment. If you don't know how to act, it could easily generate more anxiety, which will only make the situation worse. In this post, we explain the nature of these trips, what to do if you enter a destructive thought loop during the session and what products you can use to try to stop them.

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Tatandi, handmade and high quality Psilocybe kits

Tatandi, handmade and high quality Psilocybe kits

Tatandi is the new brand of hallucinogenic mushrooms that has entered the Alchimia catalog, and we have thought it'd be nice to dedicate them a post, both because of the peculiar way this company works and because of the extensive catalog they offer to their customers, all of which are available at our online store.

This company based in Spain began to make its way in 2014 based on research and studies on mycology, a tough work that slowly turned into products from which to make a profit: hallucinogenic mushroom kits. Today we present them to you in this article.

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Differences between Panaeolus Cyanescens (Hawaiian Copelandia) and Psilocybe Cubensis

Differences between Panaeolus Cyanescens (Hawaiian Copelandia) and Psilocybe Cubensis

The ingestion of magic mushrooms has been a widespread practice throughout the world and at all times, being the center of rituals and worship in all kinds of cultures. The most used genus currently for psychonauts is Psilocybe, specifically the species Psilocybe Cubensis, from which the most famous and commercial varieties are derived (Mexican, Mckenna, Thai, etc.). But thanks to the great biodiversity that nature provides, it is easy to think that not only the Psilocybe are chosen for the arduous task of altering consciousness and ego. This alteration, which is caused by two compounds called Psilocybin and Psilocin, is present in various genera of endogenous mushrooms such as Conocybe, Gymnopilus, Inocybe and Panaeolus or Copelandia.

This post focuses on discovering the genus Panaeolus (Copelandia), specifically the species Panaeolus Cyanescens or Copelandia Hawaiian. For this reason we are going to compare it with Psilocybe Cubensis, the best known species around the world.

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Effects of magic mushrooms (medicinal and recreational)

Effects of magic mushrooms (medicinal and recreational)

Since ancient times, humans have enjoyed a mystical relationship with mushrooms containing the hallucinogenic compound psilocybin. Cave paintings in the Sahara desert dating back at least 7,000 years depict mushroom gods and cult rituals, indicating to some historians that hallucinogenic mushrooms were already in use at that time. Spanish missionaries to the New World wrote about the religious uses of psilocybin mushrooms in the 16th century, and recreational use in the Western world appeared in the late 1950s along with the nascent hippie movement.

But in 1971, psilocybin was classified by international agencies as a Schedule I drug and its use was banned, meaning it had no accepted medical use and possession was considered a criminal offence. Therefore, investigation of the compound could not begin until relatively recently.

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Things to know before trying magic mushrooms for the first time

Things to know before trying magic mushrooms for the first time

From consuming them raw to precisely dosed capsules, many people are reaping the benefits of magic mushrooms left and right. This type of mushroom has the ability to become a powerful ally when it comes to alleviating a wide variety of ailments that affect us, both mentally and physically. But since they are experiencing a renaissance and have been less studied compared to other recreational and medicinal substances, it is necessary to be aware of their virtues and drawbacks, especially if you are thinking of trying them for the first time.

Magic mushrooms are classified as 'psychedelics', a word first coined in 1957 to identify drugs that reveal useful aspects of the mind. However, psychedelics are not a new fad. Their use predates the written word and archaeologists can confirm its use in ritual and ceremonial contexts that are lost to the mists of time.

However, in recent years, scientists have begun to refer to psychedelic compounds as 'entheogens', a Greek word meaning "generate the god within". Entheogens are understood as compounds that promote life-altering experiences, fostering deep insights into the nature of existence and consciousness; and the term also alludes to the spiritual aspect of these substances and the idea of ??them as master plants.

One of the motivations for this name change was the concern among scientists that the name 'psychedelics' carried with it the negative cultural baggage of the 1960s, when these substances brought about a social revolution, which, like cannabis, led to their being buried under the concrete slab of the most atrocious neoliberalism. Thus, the use of the term entheogen is intended to allow patients, physicians, policymakers, and the general public to approach this emerging field of medicine and its discovery without stigma or prejudice.

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Magic mushrooms for beginners

Magic mushrooms for beginners

The world of psychonautics and hallucinogenic substances can be a new and rewarding way to see reality, as long as you know what you are doing. A badly measured dose or the wrong strain can ruin the experience and turn it into the so-called bad trip, an ordeal that, far from being pleasant, seems to turn against you producing sensations that are not what you seek.

Today, we want to recommend some magic mushroom strains that are suitable for those who would like to explore for the first time this kind of experiences, with genetics less powerful and that often produce a nice and recreational high, hardly hallucinogenic, and ideal for getting to know the properties of these interesting fungi.

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About this Cannabis Blog

This is the official blog of Alchimia Grow Shop. This blog is intended exclusively for the use of adults over the age of 18 years.

To buy equipment for growing cannabis at home you can consult our catalogue of cannabis seeds, grow shop and paraphernalia

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