How to microdose psilocybin

Since the most brilliant minds in Silicon Valley made micro-dosing of psilocybin fashionable, using sub-psychotropic amounts of this substance is an increasingly common practice among a wide range of people, regardless of their social status. And it is that the benefits reported by users are comparable (if not superior) to those of many drugs that are usually prescribed to treat, for example, depressive states.

Today we are going to teach you, step by step, how to prepare capsules filled with magic mushrooms rich in psilocybin in no time and in a really easy way. As you will see, you will not need a large investment and the process is really simple. Let's see it!

Preparing your own microdoses of psilocybin is very simple thanks to the encapsulator
Preparing your own microdoses of psilocybin is very simple thanks to the encapsulator

Microdosing of psilocybin, an upward trend

As you could already see in our article on microdosing psilocybin, the use of amounts that do not cause any type of psychoactivity (at least perceptible by the user) is something more and more common in many areas. Before you start growing your mushrooms or preparing and using microdoses of this substance, we strongly recommend that you take a look at that post; It is written by a clinical psychologist specializing in psychopharmacology and immunology and contains a lot of information that will surely be useful to you.

Microdosing psilocybin may require several tests or trials to determine the exact amount of mushrooms you should ingest to achieve the desired effect. Normally, it is said that a dose of about 2g of dried mushrooms of a medium potency variety would be a standard dose. Well, when microdosing you should limit yourself to doses of between 0.1 and 0.5g of dried mushrooms, and also leave a couple of days off between doses to avoid developing tolerance and, consequently, needing larger doses to achieve the same effects. Let's see below what materials you will need and how to prepare your psilocybin capsules.

How to prepare microdose psilocybin capsules

If you have tried mushrooms before, we do not need to describe their horrible taste and texture. Of course, you can ingest your microdoses by mixing the crushed mushrooms with food or drink; In fact, here is a post about cooking recipes with hallucinogenic mushrooms that will surely give you some ideas! You can prepare some chocolates, an infusion, or a comforting fricandó, although capsules are usually the method chosen to microdose psilocybin.

And it is that using capsules will save you from "enjoying" the flavor and texture of the mushrooms, as well as being much easier to calculate the dose that each one contains and much easier to ingest. You can take your microdoses wherever you want comfortably, knowing at all times how much each capsule contains, and being able to take them discreetly. Now let's see what materials you will need.

Materials needed to make psilocybin capsules

As you will see, the utensils that you will need - with the exception of the encapsulating machine and the capsules, which you can find on our website at a really affordable price - are nothing special:

We have used exactly 6g of dried mushrooms for the 24 capsules that the machine admits, so we will have 24 capsules with 0.25g of crushed mushrooms each.

Main materials to prepare capsules with microdoses of psilocybin. If you have a coffee grinder, it will be much more effective than a grinder.
Main materials to prepare capsules with microdoses of psilocybin. If you have a coffee grinder, it will be much more effective than a grinder.

How to grind the mushrooms

The first thing you are going to do is grind the mushrooms until you get a fine powder. For this, the coffee grinder is ideal, as you will get this powder in just a few seconds. In the case of using a grinder, it may be a little bit harder, in addition to the fact that it will probably not be as finely chopped, and filling the capsules will be more difficult. Once you have your mushrooms completely dry, you can break them into small pieces and put them in the coffee grinder. As we tell you, in just 5-10 seconds you should get a powder similar to flour.

To facilitate the process, you can freeze the mushrooms for a few hours before grinding them, although if you are going to use a coffee grinder this step is not necessary. If you do it, freeze the mushrooms for 3-4 hours, grind them, and then spread the powder on a plate or tray and allow it to dry for a few hours before proceeding.

You can choose to freeze the mushrooms a few hours before crushing them, this way it will be more effective. If you do, it's best to let the powder dry for a few hours before filling the capsules.
You can choose to freeze the mushrooms for a few hours before grinding them, this way it will be more effective. If you do it, it's best to let the powder dry for a few hours before filling the capsules

Preparation of the capsules

Once you have your mushrooms ground, it is time to separate the two halves of the capsules (we will talk about the long half and the short half from now on). Separate the long and short halves and fill the holes in the capping machine, with the short halves on the "lid" of the box and the long halves on the base of the machine. You will see it better in this image:

The lid, on the left and with the short halves, is now done. At the base we still have to leave the long halves well flush
The lid, on the left and with the short halves, is now done. At the base, we still have to push down the long halves

Once you have all the holes filled with their corresponding halves (24 capsules will fit in the machine), push with your finger until they make up the surface of the machine as we have already done in the left part of the image, the "lid" containing the short halves of the capsules.

Filling the capsules

Very carefully (you don't want to scatter hallucinogenic powder around) spoon a spoonful of mushroom powder over the part of the machine that contains the long halves and use the included spreader card until most of the powder has gotten into the long halves of the capsules.

The filling process is very simple thanks to the design of the machine and the included card
The filling process is very simple thanks to the design of the machine and the included card

You may need to repeat this process several times. Then use the presser (also included) and continue adding powder and pressing until the long halves are well filled. Once they are, it is time to close them with the other half of the machine.

Capsule sealing and collection

Being able to close all the capsules at once is the great advantage of The Capsule Machine, as well as of course making the filling process much easier. This is what they should look like right now:

Once you have them full you can use the presser... you will see that by filling and pressing, there was more room than you expected!
Once you have them full you can use the presser... you will see that by filling and pressing, you can put in more powder than you expected!

Once well filled, simply place the lid on the base (with the long, full halves), pick up the machine, and lightly press the bottom of the machine base. You will see that when you apply pressure, both halves of the machine will come closer together, thus closing the 24 capsules, which should remain in the lid, where you previously had the short halves.

By joining and pressing both halves, the already closed capsules will remain on the lid of the machine
By joining and pressing both halves, the closed capsules will remain on the lid of the machine

Ready-made microdose psilocybin capsules
Ready-made microdose psilocybin capsules

To remove the capsules from the lid, you just have to press on the other side and they will come off without a problem. You now have 24 microdoses prepared!

2023-03-24 Magic mushrooms

Comments in “How to microdose psilocybin” (1)


AL 2023-11-27
How do you know if you’ve put too much in one capsule and not enough in another? Wouldn’t it be down to how fine you’ve ground it?

Alchimia Staff

Vincent 2023-12-21
Hello, the best option is to weigh each dose with a precision scale. See you soon!

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