Nadežda Čupić 03-05-2024 Cool
Tatandi presents here its Psilocybe Cubensis Ecuador Magic Mushroom Grow Cake 1200ml. A mushroom characterised by its resistance to cold and ease of cultivation, now available at Alchimia!
Psilocybe Cubensis Ecuador Grow Cake
Psilocybe Cubensis Ecuador is native to the Andean region of Ecuador. It grows in the mountains and is adapted to lower-than-average temperatures. This provides it with a good resistance to adverse conditions and makes it suitable for novice growers.
Psilocybe Cubensis Ecuador under ideal conditions and good hygiene, temperatures of 22-24ºC and humidity between 60-80%, fructifies in about 15-20 days, providing up to 5-6 harvests per cake.
The use of a heated mini greenhouse is ideal to ensure a suitable environment and optimal development.
Hallucinogenic mushrooms from Ecuador, introspective and euphoric effect
Ecuador magic mushrooms produce a medium strength effect that is euphoric and relaxed in small doses, and deeper and introspective in larger doses, bringing our thoughts to the fore and helping us to get to know ourselves better.
Tatandi Ecuador Magic Mushrooms Grow Cake info:
- Ecuador Psilocybe Cubensis cultivation kit
- 1200ml of fully inoculated substrate
- Fresh, quality mycelium
- Up to 6 harvests under optimal conditions
- First harvest in about 15-20 days