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Shanti Devi

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Shanti Devi from Tiki Seeds seed Bank is a hybrid of Afghan origin but is more fruity than a classic Afghan as they usually have spicy twist.

It's a very dense marijuana plant, small in size and produces very short internodes with very broad leaves.

Caution, this strain of marijuana gives off a very powerful smell, even in the growth phase. Its huge buds are compact and dense. Tiki Seeds Bank particularly recommend this strain for making cuttings and passing directly to bloom.

It is very easy to grow even in the smallest spaces in that it does not grow very high.

Feel free to do some cutting to preserve these fantastic genetics before it's too late.

Informations given by Tiki Seeds Bank for Shanti Devi:

  • Type: 100% Indica
  • Interior / Outdoor: 50/55 days - mid October
  • Size: 75/100cm

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