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Atlas S12 - 4 Dripper System

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Atlas S12 - 4 Dripper System is a simple, compact and effective recirculating hydroponic system for growing cannabis and other vegetables or plants. The system is composed of a 65L nutrient tank. We can full up this container with up to 50L of nutrient solution.

Above this nutrient tank there is a tray with a drainage hole that will allow the excess water from the plant pots to return to the nutrient tank.

Drainage Tray

  • Total volume of drainage tray: 40L
  • Total load tray / charge on a single point: 40kg/25kg

Above the tray we find the cultivation pots with a capacity of 11L where we can plant either 4 seeds or 2 cuttings - per pot - grown in SOG or SCROG systems, depending on the needs of each grower.

Atlas S12 Dimensions

  • Width: 66 cm
  • Length: 77 cm
  • Height: 37.5 cm

To make a proper recirculation, Atlas S12 - 4 Dripper System uses a water pump that - with a simple system of pipes connected to your irrigation dirippers - will irrigate the top of the container.

The main substrate used in this growing system are clay pebbles, but it can also be used with coco fibers by changing the watering periods with a digital timer.

When using clay pebbles as substrate, the irrigation could be constant during the day, but it can also be adjusted with a mechanical timer to irrigate every 30 to 15 min, depending on the user needs.

Atlas S12 - 4 Dripper System features:

  • 50L Tank
  • 4 plant pots
  • Drainage tray
  • Pipes and drippers
  • Water Pump

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