Growth Technology

Growth Technology

Growth Technology is an Australian company dedicated to the study and development of fertilizers. It was created in 1984, designed with the aim of cultivating horticultural plants in both soil and hydroponic systems.

This specialization is caused by the need to grow in an area where soil is not suitable for conventional agricultural crop. From this need was born their great experience in hydroponics.

They have their own test laboratories where they study the exact nutritional needs and thus taking the most profit from marijuana farming.

Besides, they work and research on other important aspects of growing such as climate control, substrates, propagation gels, measuring instruments, soil analysis, etc.

Among the best Growth Technology products we find; Formulex base fertilizer, Blackjak with humic and fulvic acids, Nitrozyme as growth enhancer. They also have a wide range of additives for cannabis growing and horticulture in general.

An excellent choice for marijuana plants care with quality nutrients.

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Brand - Growth Technology

Liquid oxygen

Liquid Oxygen by Growth Technology is a highly effective cleansing and oxygenating agent for hydroponic cannabis growing systems. Liquid Oxygen contains hy [...]

  • 1 L 12.00€
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