Gavita, lighting systems for premium cultivation
Gavita is the world's largest specialist lighting manufacturer with more than 30 years of experience. They devote a major part of its activity to research, development, and innovation of new professional horticultural systems.
Gavita runs a lighting laboratory where all products are designed and intensively tested before they are launched on the market. Products always with the highest efficiency and a quality control adapted to the existing regulations.
Gavita supplies lighting equipment and accessories for cannabis cultivation. It also offers expert technical advice, carries out large-scale projects such as greenhouse installations (over 100,000 to date) and produces thousands of accessories. The company manufactures and assembles its own components, undergoes quality control, and distributes them across 5 continents.
Gavita, the standard in lighting for the cannabis industry
Gavita products have become the industry standard. They have been copied countless times but never surpassed. A company that is always up to date, its products are the most widely used by industry professionals around the world.
The company is well known for its 600w, 1000w, 1000w Double Ended systems, and the latest generation of LEDs. In addition, its control systems such as Gavita Master Controller that allow to simultaneously control an enormous number of units (up to 80) and even simulate sunrise and sunset.
Gavita products are now available in our catalogue at Alchimia.