Indoor Ice-O-Lator 2-Bag Set (220/70 m)

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ICE-O-LATOR is a simple resin extraction system, based on resistant bags with sieves or meshes of different microns through which, with the help of ice and water, you will obtain very pure extractions.

The Indoor Ice-O-Lator 2-Bag Set (220/70 μm) is available in kits with 3 bag sizes, with the same pore sizes, according to the amount of weed you want to use for extraction.

Features of Ice-O-Lator Indoor 220/70:

  • Indoor small: Diameter: 30 cm/200 g.
  • Indoor medium: Diameter: 50 cm/500 g.
  • Indoor large: Diameter: 80 cm/1500 g.

Properties of Indoor Ice-O-Lator 2-Bag Set (220/70 m)

Indoor Ice-O-Lator 2-Bag Set (220/70 m) related products (Ice water hash)

Opinions about Indoor Ice-O-Lator 2-Bag Set (220/70 m) and questions


Dina 19-08-2019 Would love to know at what temp the frozen material must be kept at


Alchimia Grow Shop 20-08-2019 Hi Dina, It depends on the starting material but if it's Fresh Frozen then it definitely needs to be kept as cold as possible, although there's no need for industrial equipment. I keep mine in a regular chest freezer at around -20ºC. Hope that helps, all the best!


are they reusable bags? 23-02-2018 LAre they reusable bags?


Alchimia Grow Shop 23-02-2018 Hi, yes, you can put them in washing machine too, beetween each use.

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