Agrobacterias present Snake Poison, a concentrated foliar formulation of organic acids designed to fight larvae and caterpillars, now available on Alchimiaweb.
This aqueous concentrate is composed of micro-elements of the amino acid and organic acid type, obtained by the fermentation of silicium-rich wild plant materials.
Snake Poison is used in foliar application by mixing 2ml of product per litre of water and spraying the leaves of the plant. Repeat the application after 10 days.
Once applied to the plant's leaves, Snake Poison works to stimulate photosynthesis, absorbing minerals from the product and storing them in the cells of the leaves, stem and flowers, thereby reinforcing them against attacks by pests and diseases.
Agrobacterias Snake Poison info:
- 15ml bottle
- Boron (B): 0.5%
- Molybdenum (Mo): 0.5%
- Iron (Fe): 1%
- Density: 1Kg/litre
- pH: 4-5