Sipcam Sulfur 80% WG fungicide and acaricide

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Sipcam Garden Sulphur 80% WG will protect your cannabis plants against oidium (powdery mildew) and mites. This product is now available in our catalogue at Alchimia Grow Shop.

Its formula contains 80% soluble granulated Sulphur, or wettable sulphur, so it can be dissolved in water and applied by spraying the plants.

Sipcam Garden Sulphur 80% WG, effective against powdery mildew (oidium) and mites

The sachet contains 50g used in a dose of 2-5g per litre of water, 2g as a preventive and up to 5g as a treatment.

In order to avoid problems, it is very important not to mix it with vegetable oils (such as Neem oil), minerals and avoiding products with basic (alkaiine) pH.

It should be used when there is low light, in the afternoon or early morning, before the sunlight is strong and with a temperature below 28º C.

Sipcam Sulphur 80% WG, long-lasting and very effective

Its effectiveness is very high, as a fungicide (oidium) as well as an acaricide (red spider mites), since it stays a long while on the surface of leaves and branches, resisting rain and weather conditions well. For this reason, we only recommend its use during the vegetative phase of a plant's life and never during flowering.

It is a permitted product in organic agriculture in conformity with CE 834/2007.

Sipcam fungicide and acaricide Sulphur 80% WG info:

  • Sulphur-based fungicide and acaricide
  • Prevents and eliminates powdery mildew (oidium), spider and mites
  • Each sachet contains 50g of soluble granulated powder
  • Applied by spraying
  • Dosage: 2-5g/l water
  • Highly effective and long-lasting

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Sipcam Sulfur 80% WG fungicide and acaricide related products (Fungicides)

Opinions about Sipcam Sulfur 80% WG fungicide and acaricide and questions


Vicente salgado 27-05-2022 Garden Sulphur 80% WG, effective against powdery mildew (oidium) and mites I have a question about this product for my home garden So one packet should be used in two gallons of water or 5 gallons of water. Would this this be to much? Do you recommend perhaps I put one tablespoon per gallon of water? Thank you for your advice. I saw this on the website. But I don’t understand to much. The sachet contains 50g used in a dose of 2-5g/l of water, 2g as a preventive and up to 5g as a treatment.


Alchimia Grow Shop 30-05-2022

Hi Vicente, thanks for your comment and question. All the measurements here are in metric, so what you're reading as gallons are in fact grams per litre, so you would use 2 grams per litre of water as a preventative and 5 grams per litre of water as a curative treatment (when the plant already has PM or mites). I hope that's cleared up any confusion. Best wishes and happy growing!

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