Aptus StartBooster, Product Video

Aptus Startbooster is a concentrated, high quality organic root and growth stimulant for marijuana plants, the components of this product stimulate the roots and ramifications or root threads getting a further plant development in less time.

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Transcript of video tutorial Aptus StartBooster:

Hello!  Welcome to Alchimiaweb, I am Varnero from Aptus and I’m going to show you another of the products from our line of additives.

StartBooster is a very special product, because it’s an organic stimulator of the roots and of vegetative growth of the plant.

It improves the stem and root development and the population and strength of all the microorganisms which are the soil.

It also improves the cellular development of the stems, and makes them twice thicker than normal.

The content of StartBooster is organic chelated nitrogen with amino acids to increase the vegetative growth of the plant without risk of burns or overdose, besides the bio-amino acids stimulates and powers the bacterial colonies of the soil.

The biomass of micro-organisms of controlled fermentation from selected strains, that break down the nutrients and improves the resistance to pathogens.

After the humic acid of the layer of leonardite, that improves the water retaining, and conditions of the soil and improves the exchange between the cations and anions.

The high level of fulvic acid increases the chelation capacity and the disposal of heavy metals to avoid nutritional imbalances.

Use StartBooster during all the growth phase and the first flowering week together with your NPK fertilisers.

With a concentration of 2,5 ml per 10 liters of water, add StartBooster after the nutrients NPK and after the electrical conductivity measurement.

The Aptus Philosophy: We fight to achieve perfection in everything we do. This is applied to the nutrients, to the customer service and to the quality of our public image and our beliefs. The three fundamental pillars of our brand are: Education, Quality, Bravery.

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