B.A.C. Organic Bloom, Product Video

Using BAC Organic Bloom, micro-organisms are activated to ensure that all nutritional elements are immediately available for your marijuana plants. This results in lush blooms of flowers and big resistance to diseases and pests.

See more at: B.A.C. Organic Bloom

Transcript of video tutorial B.A.C. Organic Bloom:

I’m the representative of B.A.C in Spain and I'm going to bring you a product for those growers who cultivate in organic.

It’s a product made from molasses and sugars,100% organic, It’s a product of high concentration, that means that with a little quantity it’s enough for fertilise your plants.

With Organic Bloom you’ll have an optimal flowering and a great production of sugars in your plants which will determine the final flavour of the product, it’s used during the entire flowering period and until the last irrigation.

I wait for you in the next growing tip.

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