Motor SpinPro, Tutorial video

The Automatic Motor SpinPro is an electric motor with electronic device specially designed for SpinPro, which will help even more the work of manicuring.

See more at: Motor SpinPro

Transcript of video tutorial Motor SpinPro:

Hi guys, I’m María, and I bring the SpinPro Engine, as I promised, for those who don’t like to spin the handle.

It comes with a power adaptor, an Allen key and this piston for adapting it.

It also comes with this spare part that will not be used now; I’m going to show you how to do it.
We move all of this aside, and, let’s take the cover, we are going to remove the handle and set the engine,

We take a wrench and the first thing we need to do is loosen this screw.

So we can begin to disassemble the crank.

We remove the screw, two washers here, the handle and this third washer, now the “tong system” has been released, as you see here.

We have this piston here, responsible of fitting with the blades system, which has to be loosen with a Philips screwdriver.

Taking care of not losing any piece, that’s all, we save it here.

And we remove this piston here, and change it for the one which comes with the engine.

Now we have to remove these 4 screws here, the four holes that we need to use to place the engine.

¿see there, the four nuts?

Once we have removed all the screws, we set aside the nuts, which won’t be used now, but we’ll need the screws.

We take the engine, we place it and we match the holes.

Now, let’s take the same screws and attach them.

¿Do you see this notch there?

You have to match it with this screw here.

Like this, we turn it around, and with the Allen key included, we tighten it.

We turn it around again, and let’s place the “tongs” on its place, set the piston that fits with the blades system and tighten it with the Phillips screwdriver.

We have it prepared, so we can take the salad bowl and fill it with this pant we have here prepared, we place it. Nice smell!!!

Well, and with this we’ll have our herb ready, so let’s place the cover, and show you the buttons, which are really simple to use.

Here we have the button for selecting more or less turns, and for turning it on.

Now we are going to switch it on and in this occasion, I will select it for making 10 turns, guys, let’s begin!!!

Buah! Great! We have our buds manicured, super fast and effective Guys, girls, do you want it? So go to See you!

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