This enzyme compound is really a must-have for any modern grower.
Enzymes - highly specialised protein molecules - are produced, among others, by bacteria and fungi and act as accelerators (catalyst) of a number of biochemical processes in which molecules acquire other forms.
With the help of a biocatalyst, enzymes decompose more quickly, especially the groups of cellulose and pectins from the dead parts of the plant, for example, the roots. Thus, many useful nutrient substances for the soil microbial life and the plant itself are released.
Since roots absorb nutrients from the microbial life that surrounds them, the stimulation of this microbial life results in an increase of the absorption capacity of the plant. As the microbial life expands, so does the absorption area of the root system.
A healthy root system shows many younger hairs through which the plant absorbs bivalent elements such as calcium, magnesium and iron. Furthermore, the microbial life offers some protection against pests and diseases.
Plagron Pure Zym features:
- 500ml bottle
- Use 1ml/l of water during the entire culture
- Contains water, sorbitol, sugar, cellulase enzymes, pectinase enzymes