Product video, Crafty Vaporizer

Dou you know Crafty and Mighty? Maria presents us the new portable vaporizers by Storz & Bickel, creators of the famous Volcano. In this video Maria explains us how to use the Crafty vaporizer and how to keep it clean and in perfect conditions.

More info here: Crafty Vaporizer

Transcript of video tutorial Crafty Vaporizer:

Hello, I present you the Crafty and the Mighty, the portable vaporizers from Stowz&Bickel, the German company creator of the famous and medicinal Volcano.

Crafty is the smaller, inside its box you’ll find the instruction manual in different languages, a grinder, a filling aid, a cleaning brush, a set of spare screens and sealing rings and a power adapter with USB cable.

To use our Crafty, simply turn the lid to access the bowl, we can fill it manually or using this accessory here, fit it, open the lid and we have this piece that helps us filling the bowl, and it also unlocks this micro USB connection here.

turn we leave this here for later, close the lid and release the mouthpiece.

The Crafty heats up really fast, turn it on and the Led will turn red, it’ll reach 180ºC, if we want it to reach 195ºC just press twice and the light will flash, when it reaches the set temperature the vaporizer will vibrate and the light will turn green, so we can start.
Is has auto-power off function, but if we want to turn it off just press the button, the light will turn blue and it will turn off.

It also has a Remote Control app for your phone, with which you can adjust the vaporization temperature plus other functions to get the most out of your vaping device.

If we want to clean it simply turn the lid and clean the bowl with the brush, if we want to clean it thoroughly, pull this tab,release the cooling unit and clean it with some alcohol.

Well, we are done, I only have to remind you that vaping is the best way to use our buds, in our website you’ll find all these vaporizers and all their accessories and spare parts.

As I’m still not sure which one to choose I’ll stay here testing for a while, see you in our next video.

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