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Set of tubes of flourescent Propagator Lightwave T5 manufactured to facilitate seed germination, rooting of cuttings and maintenance of small plants in their early stages of development.
It is thought to be small (58x33x7,5cm) but very functional, as it incorporates 4 tubes of 24W that offer a light output of 8000 lumens, and it can be hung either vertically or horizontally.
One of its main advantages is that it can get closer to the plants, as it emits white light spectrum (6400 Kelvin) but with the advantage of not generating much heat compared with a HM lamp.
The reflector that accompains it ensures a better dispersion of light, making it better share out.
Features of Agrobrite T5 4x24W:
Fluorescent T5 of white light 6400K
4 tubes of 24W = 8000 Lumens
Perfect for germinating seeds or rooting cuttings
Propagator Agrobrite T5 4x24w related products (Fluorescent tubes)
Tóth Ádám14-01-2019
Szép estét 24w t5 fénycs? tengeri van e nekem olyan kellene bármilyen bele megy?
Alchimia Grow Shop16-01-2019
Szia Ádám, Magyarországra szállítunk, itt van a szállítási költség függvénye a rendelkezésre álló szállítási cégekt?l --> [ Szállítási költségek Magyarországra ].melegen
The germination of cannabis seeds is illegal in most countries. cannabis seeds are sold as collectable souvenirs to countries where the cultivation of cannabis is illegal. All information on this website is intended for educational purposes only and is not meant to incentivize people to engage in illegal activities.
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