Organic neem oil, Bio Neem

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BioNeem from Prot Eco is an organic insecticide product made from Neem, already available in Alchimiaweb.

This product is afficient against several insects and mites, either larvae or adults. It protects your plants from white flies, thrips, aphids, caterpillars...

It is organic and biodegradable and leaves no residues. It doesn't harm beneficial insects like worms, bees or ladybugs.

Bio Neem also stimulates the plant's defences against molds and fungi like mildew, botrytis, rust...

Can be applied via foliar or directly to irrigation water.

Organic neem oil from Prot Eco features:

  • Organic neem oil
  • Efficient against white flies, thrips, aphids, caterpillars and flies
  • Does not harm ladybugs, worms or bees
  • Stimulates the plant's defences
  • Protects against mildew, rust and botrytis
  • Foliar use: 1-2ml/l
  • Irrigation: 2-3ml/l
  • Apply with low light intensity. May solidify below 15ºC.

Organic neem oil, Bio Neem related products (Insecticides)

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2 Reviews

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