TRABE Horsetail

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Well known for its effective fungicidal properties, with a totally organic origin. The effectiveness of these properties come from saponins, which are toxic to mould, called equisetonine, and from silisic acid, present in Equisetum Arvense L., a plant commonly known as horsetail.

Many of its components make horsetail one of the most effective fungicides used in organic farming. According to some studies, it also has an insecticide-acaricide action against red spider mites and aphids.


Mix 450gr of powdered horsetail with 2 liters of water. Let it soak for 24 hours, stirring the mixture at the beginning and end of the process.

The result of this solution will be diluted in about 30 litres of water which will be used in regular treatments on the plants.

Spraying small droplets is recommended for maximum effeciency. It is important to not use it in combination with copper, sulfur, potassium soap, amino acids or moisturizing agents. Not toxic.

Product suitable for organic farming.

Properties of TRABE Horsetail

TRABE Horsetail related products (Fungicides)

UP TO 20%

From 7.90€ 9.89€

UP TO 20%

From 6.40€ 8.00€

UP TO 10%

From 15.00€

UP TO 5%

15.35€ 18.08€

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