Water heaters and RO filters

We have grouped here those components recommended to provide your plants with the best possible nutrient solution.

You'll find reverse osmosis systems, water heaters, thermometers and watering wands.

Quality harvests are achieved by providing your plants with a good environment, and the quality of the water is just another factor to take into account.

Featured offers Water heaters and RO filters

Buy Water heaters and RO filters

10 products Filter tune
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Tank heater

Cold water is harmful to the root system and therefore the overall state of the cannabis plant. It is sometimes advisable to heat the nutrient solution using a small heater [...]

  • 100 w 8.36€
  • 200 w (Out of stock) 11.00€ 5.50€
  • 300 w 14.10€
  • 50 w (Out of stock) 19.00€ 17.10€

Extensible watering wand - 1,5 ms

A useful companion that makes watering easier, allowing the grower to irrigate the most unreachable pots, what is always a problem. Connect it to a 1200/2500 L water pump [...]

  • 20.99€

Water Thermometer

This durable and convenient water thermometer is designed to measure the temperature of the water in the nutrient solution tank of [...]

  • 3.90€

Eco Grow 240l/h water filter

The Eco Grow filter efficiently purifies our tap water , eliminating most of the chlorine and sediments present [...]

  • 99.00€

PowerGrow 500 reverse osmosis

Now available for you in ALchimia, the Power Grow 500 reverse-osmosis filter produces 20l/h of purified water, perfect for our [...]

  • 256.00€ 243.20€

GrowMax safety buoy kit

Now available in Alchimiaweb, the GrowMax safety buoy avoids fluid leaks, being perfect to use in combination with your [...]

  • 67.00€ 33.50€
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