Biotabs is an innovative Dutch research company that produces organic nutrients (bio) and soil enhancers. Bio Tabs team is composed of growers with over 30 years experience in cultivation.
After cultivating their favorite plants with hydroponic nutrients for 25 years, 5 years ago they started to grow organically, which it was a turning point for them.
The results were surprising, with abundant yields and smells and flavors much richer and intense than previous crops. For them, it was the beginning of their research for the best organic farming method... and so the Biotabs company was created.
Biotab Fertilizers, Specialized in organic cultivation of cannabis.
The organic farming method developed by Biotabs is an exceptionally wide and unique combination of beneficial bacteria, symbiotic fungi and humus-rich nutrients which will result in a harvest of extraordinary sweetness, with remarkable and deep sugary flavors.
Bactrex bacteria and Mycotrex mycorrhizae spectacularly improve the life of the substrate. With better microbial life, plants have greater immunity against pests and diseases, and can use all their energy to ensure vigorous growth and exuberant bloom.
Biotabs tablets will be used for a slow and gradual release of organic nutrients during several weeks. The Startrex supplement will enrich and effectively colonize the substrate in the beginning of the culture to ensure an explosive growth.
Finally, the nutrition program will be completed with the Biotabs organic liquid fertilizer, Orgatrex , which can be used for both growth and flowering of marijuana plants.
All these products are found in the Biotabs Starter Kit , allowing to grow from 5 to 10 plants.