Bookstore & DVD's

Bookstore & DVD's

In this section you will find a wide and updated range of Books, DVDs and magazines mostly related to hemp and cannabis.

Books that tell us more about medical marijuana, its history, the use and properties of industrial hemp, biographies, growing handbooks, documentaries, cookbooks,etc.

Please note that you'll find books in different languages, which is proof that interest on this plant is increasing worldwide.

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Cannabic Lunar Calendar

For hundreds of years, farmers and ranchers worldwide have used the moon phases to optimize their cropsThis 2024 lunar calendar will infor [...]

  • 2024 Spanish edition 8.00€ 4.00€
  • Spanish edition 2025 8.00€

Cáñamo magazine in Spanish

Cañamo is one of the top quality Spanish cannabis magazines, for its information and format and its layout, which makes it a must [...]

  • Nº 325 - January 2025+ 1 Sagrada Amnesia Fem seed 5.95€

Cannabis Magazine (in spanish)

Cannabis Magazine is a spanish publication focused on disseminating the latest news related to cannabis, and it also talks about the different systems of [...]

  • No. 247 - December 2024 4.90€

Com Cura el Cànnabis (La Magrana) - Catalan

Translation: How cannabis heals. The book Com cura el cànnabis is a very good example of the type of literature that those who don't know anything about th [...]

  • 7.50€ 3.00€

Cannabis as a Medicine

It's no news , that the sativa cannabis has many therapeutic indications, but what it is, is that this fact is taken into account how is it happening at present [...]

  • 28.00€ 11.20€

Cannabis. Filosofía para todos.

Everyone is talkin about cannabis more and more openly, firstly focusing on certain population sectors (youth, medical users...) but arriving then [...]

  • Spanish 20.00€ 8.00€

Cannabis médical Complete Ed

“Cannabis médical du chanvre indien aux canabinoïdes de synthèse”, published by Mama Editions, is already available in Alchimia Grow Shop. I [...]

  • French 24.00€ 9.60€

Cannabis Sur Ordonnance (Martine Schachtel)

Martine Schachtel, former nurse, is the author of "Cannabis sur ordonnance", a 148-page book in french language about the positive effects of cannabis in her sist [...]

  • 15.00€ 6.00€

Horticultural lunar calendar

For hundreds of years, farmers and ranchers worldwide have used the moon phases to optimize their crops This 2024 lunar calendar will info [...]

  • Spanish edition 2024 8.00€
  • Spanish edition 2025 8.00€

Kit una novela antiprohibicionista

Now available in the bookshop of Alchimia the book in Spanish "Kit, una novela antiprohibicionista" (Kit, an anti-prohibition novel) written by Carlos Fresnedas. [...]

  • 11.00€ 4.40€

Cannabis Consciente (Fundación Daya)

Now available in the of Alchimia Grow Shop the book "Conscious Cannabis for a Medicinal Use of Marijuana", written in Spanish by Karina Vergara, B [...]

  • 16.00€ 6.40€
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