At Alchimiaweb you can now find Canna Mono nutrients, designed to quickly resolve deficiencies in our plants, such as potassium, in this case.
Canna Potassium is a single fertilizer containing 16.3% base of K2O, and no chloride. It is very important for the plant in its flowering phase, and is responsible for aiding the synthesis of proteins and carbohydrates, it also regulates the metabolism of water and nutrients in the marijuana plant.
Canna Potassium reinforces the cell tissues by stimulating the quantity and quality of the buds, enhancing the end result in the flowers.
Canna Potassium Directions:
- Concentration: 16.3% K2O
- Apply if there is a potassium deficiency 1-2ml / l of water
- This product can not be mixed with fertilizers containing calcium and potassium
- Warning: this balanced nutrition plan already has all the potassium that plants need. Control the dose so as not to over-fertilize with potassium, as it can lead to deficiencies of calcium and magnesium acidifying the roots. This can kill our marijuana.