Flowers and aromatic plants seeds

Les Refardes Organic Purple Basil Eco

Ocimum basilicum purpuracens Origin: Pau Pàmies, Balaguer. Place harvest : Puig de la Bauma, Mura (Barcelona, Spain) It is a vigorous basil variety with large purple serrated leaves. This plant offers an intense aroma and stimulating and di [...]

  • ± 90 seeds3.75€

Les Refardes organic Small Leaf Basil

Ocinum basilicum Origin: Madre Armando, Sabadell. Harvesting location: Puig de la Bauma, Mura (Barcelona, Spain) Aromatic herb used as a condiment and as a mosquito repellent. It is advisable to grow this plant in the middle of the crops as it hel [...]

  • ± 70 semillas3.75€

Les Refardes Zinnia or Mystic Rose

Zinnia or Mystic Rose is a plant that produces large and beautiful flowers of various colours. It is ideal for gardeners who are looking for a beautiful and colourful garden displaying large and slender flowers. For cultivation, it is initially plan [...]

  • ± 45 seeds3.75€

Clary Sage - Les Refardes

Salvia sclarea L Clary Sage is a biennial herbaceous plant belonging to the Lamiaceae family. It can reach 1m in size. It produces rough leaves and inflorescences of a white to violet colour that release a pleasant and intense aroma. This attractiv [...]

  • ± 300 seeds (Out of stock)3.75€

Organic Plumed Cockscomb - Les Refardes

Celosia argentea var. Cristata The Plumed Cockscomb is a spectacular and showy autumn flowering flower. It has an intense fuchsia colour and a velvety crest shape. It is an ornamental plant of great decorative value as it has a long shelf life once [...]

  • 85 seeds3.75€

Organic Love-in-a-mist - Les Refardes

Nigella damascena Love-in-a-mist or Devil in the Bush is a flowering plant with an erect stem about 60 cm long that produces beautiful blue flowers. It belongs to the buttercup family. It is widely used to compose dried flower bouquets. Les Refarde [...]

  • 200 seeds3.75€

Organic Garden Cosmos - Les Refardes

Cosmos binnipatus The Garden Cosmos is a beautiful flower with a delicate appearance. Its firm stem makes it resistant to wind and other inclement weather. An undemanding ornamental plant, it grows well in poor soils with little water. It produces [...]

  • 60 seeds3.75€

Organic Sweet William - Les Refardes

Dianthus barbatus The Sweet William is a spectacular plant with erect stems that form bouquets of beautiful coloured flowers. The flowers are white, pink and fuchsia. Highly fragrant flowers, excellent as a cut flower. It flowers during the second [...]

  • 100 seeds3.75€

Organic Poppy - Les Refardes

Papaver somniferum The Poppy is a plant cultivated for ornamental purposes and for its edible seeds, which are often used in confectionery. Poppy seeds are also used in emollient preparations for skin treatments. It was formerly used as a sedative, [...]

  • ± 160 seeds (Out of stock)3.75€

Les Refardes Large Leaf Basil

Ocimum basilicum Origin: Sussana Martí, Roquetes, Baix Ebre. Harvesting location: Puig de la Bauma, Mura (Barcelona, Spain) Basil with large and highly aromatic leaves. It is a great condiment for pasta and salads. It is also used as a mosq [...]

  • ± 1303.75€

Mexican Marigold - Les Rafardes

Tagetes erecta. Origin: Pla de Manlleu, Alt Camp. Catalonia. It is a plant of Mexican origin called Mexican marigold or Aztec marigold. It produces bright orange flowers from May to September. It can reach a metre in diameter planted deep enough. I [...]

  • ± 70 seeds3.75€

Organic Echinacea - Les Refardes

Echinacea angustifolia Echinacea is a plant with beautiful daisy-like flowers. In addition to its ornamental function, Echinacea is known to have medicinal properties, stimulates the immune system and helps with ailments such as bacterial and viral [...]

  • ± 50 seeds3.75€

Organic Giant Italian Parsley - Les Refardes

Petroselinum sativum Giant Italy Parsley is a variety with large, wavy, deep green leaves. Very aromatic and flavourful plant. It is a very productive variety. Les Refardes - Giant Italy Parsley - Sowing and characteristics: Direct sowing betwee [...]

  • 600 seeds3.75€

Chamomile Eco - Les Refardes

Matricaria recutita. Chamomile is an annual plant resistant to dryness of about 40 cm. Tall. We sow it in early spring . As the flowers mature and fall, it will re-sow itself and new shoots will appear. It is important to choose a sunny location for [...]

  • 350 seeds approx (Out of stock)3.75€
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