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What is Pythium?

In this post we talk about the Pythium fungus and how it affects marijuana plants. We also discuss how to control and eradicate this pathogen which is capable of quickly destroying our favourite plants. We hope this is helpful.

Root rot on cannabis plants

In this article we tell you about root rot, a disease caused by different root fungi that attacks a large number of plants, causing severe damages in numerous crops. Although it’s almost impossible to treat, we can prevent its appearance by following a few simple steps, which of course we share with you!

Soil Food Web Gardening

Sadly, many times growers don't know what is happening below the ground. Bacteria, fungi, nematodes, protozoa, arthropods, earthworms...all of them are creating a perfect environment for the roots of our plants, and taking profit from it is a wise decision by the farmer. In this post we tell you more about Soil Food Web gardening, a technique which is increasingly used worldwide.

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