FinalPart by T.A. (formerly GHE's Ripen®)

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Fertilizer for the end of flowering: NPK: 0-6-5. FinalPart from T.A. is a special product of the Terra Aquatica company. It isn't an additive or stimulant. It contains everything needed for the plant to end the flowering or fruiting cycle ... and nothing else.

FinalPart is a complete fertiliser for the final phase of the flowering cycle. It was specifically formulated to accelerate the maturation and improve the contents of active ingredients. It consists of a mixture of mineral salts and buffers thoroughly dosed by T.A. Laboratories.

At this stage of the plant, accuracy is of the highest importance because at the end of its life, the plant is often weakened, so its assimilation capacity is much lower than in the growth phase. T.A. FinalPart exerts its action at various levels:

  • 1. Transmits to the plant a strong signal to let it know that it will reach at the end of its life. The plant reacts with an accelerated flowering and fruiting, striving to reproduce itself before disappearing.
  • 2. Activates the defences of the plant and therefore the active principles.
  • 3. Provides the plant with all mineral ions needed for this last effort of reproduction.
  • 4. In case of excessive accumulation of nitrates and trace elements in the plant, it helps to metabolize these residues. It also favours a better taste of the harvest.

This fertiliser has several properties. Generally, it favours a faster maturation; it is also possible to finish a crop before it is damaged by cold or humid conditions. In greenhouses or indoors it helps to harmonise the end of cycle and also helps the ripening of later flowering plants.

In case of serious attacks of pathogens or insects, it accelerates the cycle and allows harvesting before the destruction of the plants. And finally, it increases the content of active principles of medicinal, culinary and aromatic plants.

APPLICATION: FinalPart is is suitable for both hydroponics and soil, regardless of the growing system and fertilisers used during the life of the plant. Simply add 4 - 5 ml of FinalPart from T.A. in 1L of water with adjusted pH and water your plants (or add it to your reservoir) during the last 10 days of flowering, with exclusion of any other product. See also the application tables in the labels of One Part and TriPart-Series from Terra Aquatica.

Properties of FinalPart by T.A. (formerly GHE's Ripen®)

FinalPart by T.A. (formerly GHE's Ripen®) related products (Terra Aquatica - General Hydroponics)

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