Green Hope Additives

Green Hope Additives

Greenhope additives are made of natural extracts from plants and flowers. These rooting, growth and bloom stimulators are then fully organic. They dramatically boost plant development, either when developing roots or during the growth and bloom stages.

Greenhope biostimulators activate the microorganisms in the soil and naturally metabolize fertilizers, thus improving nutrient uptake by the plants. After using Green Hope, the millions of microorganisms in the substrate increase the nutrient absorption capacity of plants, increasing it up to 20-25%.

Besides improving yields, they also enhance the quality of your flowers by preventing the plant from absorbing too much nutrients. High levels of nitrates in our buds can harm the user.

Greenhope products work great!!

Buy Green Hope Additives

3 products Filter tune
Green Hope Additives

GREEN HOPE BoosterMax - Bio Growth Stimulator

BOOSTER MAX 60 ml from Green Hope is a growth stimulator. It is a biological activator that creates optimal conditions for the bacterial life in the substrate, whi [...]

  • 60 ml 19.00€ 9.50€
UP TO 5%

GREEN HOPE FloraMax - Bloom Stimulator

FLORAMAX 120 ml from Green Hope is a bloom stimulator. It is a biological activator that creates optimal conditions for the bacterial life in the substrate, while [...]

  • 60 ml 19.00€
  • 120 ml 32.00€ 30.40€

GREEN HOPE RootMax - Root Stimulator

ROOTMAX 60 ml from Green Hope is a root stimulator. It is a biological activator that creates optimal conditions for bacterial life in the substrate, while inhibit [...]

  • 60 ml 19.00€
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