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Jumus B+

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You have already at your reach in Alchimia Grow Shop, Jumus B+, a compound based on growth promoting bacteria and responsible for strengthening their defenses, on an organic basis and with vegetable extracts rich in amino acids.

This stimulator product is responsible for strengthening the biological processes of marijuana plants, taking care to stimulate root development of the plants, facilitating the access of nutrients to the leaves.

It contains organic NPK,which will work complementing and strengthening the basic nutrition plan , invigorating our plants and reducing their stress, which will lead to an increase of growth and productivity of the marijuana.

This way, it gets to favour the Microlife of the soil, eliminating the proliferation of pests, and stimulates the plant so that it defends and run much more efficiently.

Composition and application of Jumus B+

  • Bacillus subutilis and Bacillus amyloquefaciens, which stimulate plant growth and produce enzymes that improve the availability of soil nutrients, facilitating their absorption by the plant.
  • Sugars, vegetal extracts and inert media: 60%
  • Organic N: 4% Q: 3.5 % K: 5%
  • Amino acids: 18%
  • Vegetable Matter: 35%
  • Apply in irrigation water or in a via foliar to prevent and treat powdery mildew and botrytis
  • Dosification: 2g/L
  • Dilute 50 gr in 20 L of water for irrigation or use one teaspoon per L and apply via foliar
  • Can be preserved up to 20 months if its protected from sunlight , humidity and is stored on a cool place.

Properties of Jumus B+

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