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CBD strains from Philosopher Seeds

In this post we present you CBD-rich strains developed by Philosopher Seeds, a brief overview of these varieties and their main traits. If you're looking for a CBD strain to treat some medical condition, this post is for you!

New CBD-rich cannabis seeds

The therapeutic properties of CBD have been increasingly studied during the past years. While the benefits of this cannabinoid are now beyond doubt, new CBD-rich cannabis strains are being constantly developed by breeders all around the world. Today we present you three strains with very high CBD content and amazing cannabinoid ratios, which can reach up to 1:25 THC:CBD in some cases. They're Dinamed CBD, Candida and CBD Therapy.

CBD revolution from orange peels

Cannabis CBD extraction isn’t the only way to obtain this increasingly popular cannabinoid. Scientists have developed a sustainable and profitable method to create a molecularly identical CBD out of the natural compounds found in citrus peels, avoiding many of the complexities that prevent the growth of the CBD industry.

New CBD flowers in Alchimia

CBD flowers are an interesting product for those who want to enjoy the best aromas without having to commit to growing their own plants. Today we introduce you to two new brands of CBD buds without THC that we have introduced to our catalogue, The CBD Side and Natural Suit.

CBD (cannabidiol), the main non-psychoactive compound in cannabis

Cannabidiol (CBD) has captured the attention of the medical and wellness world for its fascinating properties and potential health benefits. This non-psychoactive compound produced by cannabis has been the subject of intense research, revealing a wide range of positive effects on the human body. Today we tell you everything you need to know about this cannabinoid, undoubtedly one of the best known in the world.

CBD Cannabis Extracts

CBD extractions have revolutionized the world of medical cannabis, offering a highly concentrated and potent way to harness the therapeutic benefits of this popular compound. These advanced techniques allow CBD to be extracted from the cannabis plant efficiently, creating pure and versatile products that can be used for a variety of applications, from pain relief to stress and anxiety management. Today we tell you everything about the different CBD extraction techniques and the resulting products.

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