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Introducing Vegamatrix nutrients

We present you here the Vegamatrix range of nutrients, created by Kyle Kushman and formulated with vegan ingredients. Made in the USA, these nutrients produce robust and strong plants with amazing yields and excellent terpene profile.

Compost Tea in the Cannabis Garden

Compost tea is an essential component in organic gardening, a homemade plant supplement and soil improver that inoculates the substrate with beneficial microbes. In this post, we talk about its popularity among naturally-minded cannabis growers and tell you how to make your own actively aerated compost tea!

How to make organic Supersoil

Sowing season is upon us, and with it, we must finalise the preparations for the next indoor season. Today we will explain what Supersoil is and how to prepare some so that you can cultivate an entire crop irrigating exclusively with plain water thanks to a substrate that's as alive as it is fertile.

Athena nutrient schedules and how to use their fertilisers

Born in California, the Athena brand of fertilisers and supplements enjoys a solid reputation among some of the world's most demanding commercial growers, such as Jungle Boys. Today we present their range of nutrients and boosters and review their nutrition schedules, a practical tool to learn how to use these professional-quality fertilisers.

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