Small Stalk Black Mammoth Tobacco

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Alchimia is proud to present Small Stalk Black Mammoth Tobacco by Kokopelli Association. This variety originates from Kentucky, US. It is highly prized among pipe or snuff smokers for its fragrance when ripe and cured. It is also used as a wrapper for cigars and cigarettes due to its large size leaf.

Small Stalk Black Mammoth tobacco cultivation

Tobacco plants like nutrient-rich, well-drained soil, in places with some moisture and plenty of sun. The ideal soil pH is 5.8.

The seeds are usually germinated before the last frosts in a seedbed or pot in a place protected from the winter cold. Tobacco seeds are very small and it is convenient to sow them a few millimetres deep. The transplant is done when the seedling has developed several leaves, and about 20cm high, also when there is no longer any risk of frost.

Tobacco plants consume a good amount of nutrients to fuel its rapid growth. It also requires medium-high watering.

The fertilisers can be the same used in tomatoes or peppers cultivation, since tobacco plants belongs to the same family.

Small Stalk Black Mammoth tobacco plant produces rather large dark green leaves, 85cm long and 40cm wide, and the plants can grow up to 1.5m.

Some tobacco pests also affect tomatoes and peppers, so it is convenient to have these plants at some distance to prevent pests from spreading easily.

Properties of Small Stalk Black Mammoth Tobacco

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