Delgold Tobacco

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Alchimia is glad to present Delgold Tobacco by Kokopelli Association. This variety is characterised by its resistance to small frosts of more than a week.

This tobacco variety originates from the Agriculture Canada Research Station. It is a cross between a Nicotiana rusticua variety and two Nicotiana tobacco varieties (Virginia 115 and Hick's Broadleaf) to improve Virginia 115.

It is one of the highest yielding strains on the market, with a good nicotine content (2.2%). It produces plants that can reach up to 3 metres in height, with many leaves up to 45cm long and 30cm wide. The flowers are pink and need to be pruned to increase yields.

Delgolg Tobacco cultivation

Tobacco seeds are extremely small. They germinate at 24-27ºC in a seedbed or pot protected from the cold. The seeds should hardly be buried. They germinate after approximately 10 days but may take longer if the temperature is low.

The transplant is done at approximately 4 weeks, when the shoots are about 3cm high. Seedlings should be 60cm apart for maximum production.

Tobacco is a plant that consumes a great amount of nitrogen and potassium. They should be planted in a very sunny place in a very nutrient-rich and well-drained soil to avoid root rot. It requires a constant watering but without flooding.

To improve leaf production, shoots are usually removed, as is done with tomatoes. The flowers are also often removed as they concentrate much of the plant's energy.

The harvest takes place at approximately 4 months, when the leaves begin to turn yellow. If the intention is to consume smoked tobacco, the leaves must be properly dried and cured.

Properties of Delgold Tobacco

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