Organic Seeds

There are 197 products tagged as Organic Seeds

The first thing that comes to mind when we look at the word "ORGANIC" on a product is that it is synonymous of natural, beneficial, chemical-free and manufactured or grown in a bucolic place.

Usually these definitions are real, but the organic word definition is more extensive when referring to agriculture and particularly to seeds.

Since the last few years, the main vegetable and garden seeds banks have been striving to come back to natural selection and plant cultivation in an ecological way. But what does this mean exactly?

Organic cultivation involves the use of cultivation techniques that are in balance with nature. Mainly in two aspects, on the one hand the NO genetic seed manipulation and on the other hand the NO use of pesticides and chemical fertilisers in the cultivation of the plants that will provide us with their seeds.

Some of the vegetable and ornamental seed banks that we present in our catalogue, such as Les Refardes or Naturnoa, take a step beyond organic farming. Their aim is to cultivate local varieties in their original environment, thereby ensuring that they are more vigorous, healthier and offer a greater production.

The products featured as organic seeds at alchimiaweb are guaranteed to be from a source that has not been genetically manipulated, nor from "mothers" grown with chemical fertilisers or pesticides. Without doubt, a health guarantee for your well-being.

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Mid-season green tomato Lime Green

Alchimia presents the  Lime Green mid-season tomato seeds by Kokopelli, a tomato variety appreciated for its ease of cultivation and unique f [...]

  • 35 seeds 3.40€

Bianca Oval Aubergine

Alchimia presents Kokopelli Bianca Oval Aubergine, a distinctive variety with white ovoid fruits that turn yellow when ripe. Suitable for pot cultivation. It is ap [...]

  • 30 seeds 3.40€

Flowers and aromatic plants seeds - Organic Seeds

Bean seeds - Organic Seeds

Tobacco seeds - Organic Seeds

Buy Organic Seeds

197 products Filter tune

Rocalba Organic Lavender

Alchimia presents Rocalba Organic Lavender Seeds. This Mediterranean plant is highly appreciated for its richness in terpenes that provide an intense and complex a [...]

  • 0.2gr 1.80€

Batlle Organic Roma Dwarf Bean presents Batlle Organic Roma Dwarf Bean Seeds, a low bush variety, strong, easy to cultivate and producti [...]

  • 1.5g 1.60€

Organic Republic Pepper - Les Refardes

Capsicum annum Republic Pepper is a small hot pepper, about 4 cm in size. It is a very attractive, productive and easy to grow plant, very suitabl [...]

  • 25 seeds 3.75€

Clary Sage - Les Refardes

Salvia sclarea L Clary Sage is a biennial herbaceous plant belonging to the Lamiaceae family. It can reach 1m in size. It produces rough leaves [...]

  • ± 300 seeds (Out of stock) 3.75€

Organic Love-in-a-mist - Les Refardes

Nigella damascena Love-in-a-mist or Devil in the Bush is a flowering plant with an erect stem about 60 cm long that produces beautiful blue flowers [...]

  • 200 seeds 3.75€

Batlle Organic Peppermint

Alchimia Grow Shop presents Batlle Organic Peppermint Seeds, an aromatic plant ideal for infusions. It is easy to cultivate both in the ga [...]

  • 0.05g 1.60€

Les Refardes Zinnia or Mystic Rose

Zinnia or Mystic Rose is a plant that produces large and beautiful flowers of various colours. It is ideal for gardeners who are looking for a beautiful an [...]

  • ± 45 seeds 3.75€

Rocalba - Chives Praga

Alchimia Grow Shop presents Rocalba Chives Prague organic seeds, an aromatic plant perfect for growing in a pot [...]

  • 0.5g 1.80€ 1.50€

Sunflower Rocalba Bio

Alchimia is glad to present Rocalba Sunflower organic seeds, a line specially selected for the production of edible seeds. Edible sunflower seeds [...]

  • 15 gr (Out of stock) 1.80€

Crimson Sweet Watermelon Bio Rocalba

Crimson Sweet is a classic watermelon variety found in all markets and fruit shops. It originated in the US in the 1960s, and from there it quickly spread all over [...]

  • 4 gr 1.80€

Spinach Matador Bio Rocalba

Alchimia Grow Shop is happy to present Rocalba Matador spinach seeds. Organic seeds ideal for growing in spring and summer. [...]

  • 3gr 1.80€

Rocalba Organic Amposta Red Onion presents the Rocalba Amposta Red Onion organic seeds, a plant that produces large and colourful bulbs with shallow roots suitable for cultivation i [...]

  • 2g 1.80€

Rocalba Giant Winter Spinach

Rocalba presents here Giant Winter Spinach (Gigante de Invierno) organic seeds, a productive spinach variety specially adapted for winter cultivation [...]

  • 8 gr 1.80€

Rocalba Organic Blanc de Lisbonne Onion is pleased to present Rocalba Blanc de Lisbonne Onion organic seeds, a short-day late-cycle variety that produces large and globular bulbs [...]

  • 2g 1.80€

Les Refardes White Aubergine

Solanum melongena L. Origin: Manresa, Bages, Barcelona It is a variety of aubergine that produces white and rounded fruit [...]

  • ± 50 seeds 3.75€

Long Black Aubergine

Solanum melongena L Origin: Puig de la Bauma, Mura (Bages), Barcelona A very vigorous plant producing black and elongated fruits, hanging [...]

  • ± 50 seeds 3.75€

Les Refardes Large Leaf Basil

Ocimum basilicum Origin: Sussana Martí, Roquetes, Baix Ebre. Harvesting location: Puig de la Bauma, Mura (Barcelona, Spain) [...]

  • ± 130 3.75€

Les Refardes Popcorn

Zea mays Origin: Caldes de Montbui. Barcelona province. Popcorn seeds, a corn variety to make delicious popcorn by preparing them as [...]

  • ± 50 seeds 3.75€

Les Refardes Eco Swiss Chard

Beta vulgaris L. Origin: JMª Gamisans, Vic, Catalonia. Place and harvest year: Mas Serrarica, Vic, 2015 It is a variety with dark [...]

  • ± 200 seeds 3.75€

Mexican Marigold - Les Rafardes

Tagetes erecta. Origin: Pla de Manlleu, Alt Camp. Catalonia. It is a plant of Mexican origin called Mexican marigold or Aztec marigold. It [...]

  • ± 70 seeds 3.75€

Organic Lemon Cucumber - Les Refardes

Cucumis sativus A small rounded fruit similar to a plum with a green to light yellow colour. Its flavour is mild and very exquisite. Cucumber variety with very good [...]

  • ± 20 seeds (Out of stock) 3.75€

Organic “Trinxat” Cabbage - Les Refardes

Brassica oleracea Var. Acephala A cabbage variety very resistant to the cold, the “trinxat” cabbage does not form a head, but has shoots with clear, toothed lea [...]

  • ± 70 seeds 3.75€

Organic Morella Lettuce - Les Refardes

Lactuca sativa L Romaine lettuce, particularly resistant to bolting and autumn cold. Medium sized heads, purple-tipped leaves, fine and de [...]

  • ± 300 seeds 3.75€

Organic Batavia Lettuce - Les Rafardes

Lactuca Sativa L. Origin: Faura, el Papiol. Barcelona province. This Batavia type lettuce is tolerant to cold weather. It produces large pieces with [...]

  • ± 325 seeds 3.75€
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