Batlle Organic Anquito Butternut Squash

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Alchimia Grow Shop presents Batlle Organic Anquito Butternut Squash seeds, a variety to cultivate in pots or directly in open ground in your vegetable patch or growing table.

Batlle organic Anquito Butternut squash, a productive food plant

This pumpkin variety (cucurbitaceae) was developed in the 1940s in Massachusetts by crossing several selections of different varieties. This pumpkin is widely consumed in Anglo-Saxon countries, especially in the US. It is also very popular in South Africa.

The seeds are germinated in mid-spring when frost risk has passed. This plant grows well in direct sowing. If earlier cultivation is preferred, it can be germinated in late winter in a greenhouse or indoors in order to protect it from cold, in a place with direct sunlight and a temperature of about 20ºC.

2-3 seeds are placed in a 10-12cm deep pot or seedbed with a quality soil mixture enriched with worm humus or compost. The seeds are placed horizontally and covered with 0.5cm of soil loosely, then watered abundantly. It is quite a demanding plant in terms of nutrients (especially N and Ca), having to ensure that it receives all the necessary nutrients especially during fructification.

Batlle organic Anquito Butternut squash, fruits up to 2kg

It is sown directly in open ground in a 1x1.5m or 1 x 2m planting frame. Under optimum conditions it grows very quickly and takes up a lot of space, producing an abundant yield of pumpkins with a lumpy appearance and an intense cream colour. These pumpkins weigh between 1-2kg.

When the pumpkins start to develop, frequent but moderate watering is recommended, avoiding waterlogging the soil. It is ideal to install an automatic irrigation system in our vegetable garden. It must be ensured that nutrients (especially P and K) are available in abundance for the fruits to display their full potential.

In October or November the pumpkins are ready to harvest and can be collected when they have lost the green stripes and become completely cream-coloured. This indicates the sweetest possible flavour. They are cut leaving 1cm of the stalk to ensure proper preservation.

Batlle Organic Anquito Butternut Squash info:

  • Sachet: 4g of seeds
  • Ideal for both open ground and pot cultivation
  • Germination: late winter in greenhouse or mid spring outdoors
  • Can be germinated directly in soil if preferred
  • Harvest: mid-autumn
  • 1-2kg pumpkins, cream-coloured and sweet flavour
  • Requires plenty of space (1x2m)
  • Requires abundant nutrition

Properties of Batlle Organic Anquito Butternut Squash

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