Rocalba Organic Borlotto Lingua di Fuocco Nano Bean

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Alchimia Grow Shop presents Rocalba Organic Borlotto Lingua di Fuocco Nano Bean Seeds, a dwarf bush variety that produces flat, reddish-coloured, threadless pods. It can be cultivated easily both in pots and in a vegetable garden.

Borlotto Lingua di Fuocco Nano bean seeds, robust and easy to cultivate

Borlotto Lingua di Fuocco Nano bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) is a plant belonging to the legume family. It is a climbing, herbaceous, annual and resistant plant. It can reach up to 50-80cm high so it is not necessary to tutor the branches.

The seeds germinate directly on open ground in spring and summer. A staggered sowing every 20-30 days provides a gradual harvest. They are sown in 3-5cm deep rows with 4-6 seeds per hole, leaving a 15-30cm distance between each plant and 40cm between the rows.

The plant benefits from a loose substrate, with good drainage and proper moisture retention. If the soil is very poor, worm humus or manure can be added in moderation as the plants fix the environmental N. It is important to provide abundant sunlight and a wind protection, as well as a temperature between 15 and 30°C, since frosts are lethal for the plant.

Rocalba organic Borlotto Lingua di Fuocco Nano bean, flat red pods

After about 10-15 days the first sprouts emerge, displaying a rapid development. From the seeds sown together, 3 plants can be left which will take up all the space available without competing with each other. When they reach a 15-20cm size, soil is added at the base covering the stem until the first low leaves, increasing stability and maximising plant root development.

This variety grows well without many nutrients, but needs abundant water preventing the substrate from waterlogging and also from drying out. It is extremely efficient to install an automatic irrigation system to maximise efficiency and obtain the best results.

At about 45 days after sowing, the flowering stage and bean production begins. These have a flat reddish appearance, with a size of 13cmx1.8cm, producing cream coloured beans with marbled red stripes. They can be harvested either green or when they have matured and dried.

Rocalba Organic Borlotto Lingua di Fuocco Nano Bean Seeds info:

  • 15g seeds sachet
  • Robust and easy to cultivate
  • Provide abundant water and few nutrients
  • Fixes the environmental N - Revitalizes the substrate
  • Germination: Spring and summer
  • Sow directly in open ground with 4 seeds per hole
  • Ideal to soak the seeds 2-3h before sowing
  • Recommended 15-30ºC for perfect development
  • Suitable for both vegetable garden and pot
  • Size: 50-80cm
  • Sow in rows 40cm distance - 30cm between plants
  • Ready to harvest in mid-spring, for 5-7 months

Properties of Rocalba Organic Borlotto Lingua di Fuocco Nano Bean

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