Reus Long Bio Pepper by Batlle

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The Reus long bio pepper develops red, sweet fruits. A variety highly appreciated for its culinary properties, the fruits are ideal for roasting, they have thin skin and are easy to peel once roasted.

Its shape is rectangular with 3-4 sections and initialy green in color, finishing off red at the end of ripening. The fruits are broad and reach a size of about 20 cm long.

Sowing and characteristics of the Long Bio Pepper of Reus - Batlle

  • Sowing in seedbed from January to May
  • Transplant respecting a spacing of 80x100 cm
  • Plant height 60 cm, need tutors
  • You need well-draining substrates rish in organic matter
  • Frequent waterings but without waterlogging
  • Harvest during the summer well into the fall
  • The envelope contains 1g of organic seeds

Properties of Reus Long Bio Pepper by Batlle

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