Alchimia Grow Shop presents Rocalba Organic Slenderette Bean Seeds, a dwarf bush variety with an early cycle that produces cylindrical pods. An ideal plant for both open ground and pot cultivation.
Rocalba organic Slenderette bean seeds, a variety very easy to cultivate
Slanderette beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) belong to the legume family. It is an annual, herbaceous, rather rustic and climbing plant that reaches about 50-60cm in height. It is resistant to the bean mosaic virus.
It can be germinated between spring and summer, being ideal a sowing in batches every 20-30 days in order to harvest staggered. It is sown in 3cm rows in groups of 4 seeds. A distance of about 30cm should be left between plants and 40cm between rows. The soil has to be loose to provide good drainage and aeration. In case of very poor soil, a little worm humus or manure can be added. This plant fixes the environmental N, needing few nutrients.
They should be planted in a sunny area and sheltered from the wind, with a temperature of 15º-30ºC. Frost is lethal and does not withstand extreme heat either, producing malformed pods. In very hot regions, sowing can be done at the end of the summer to obtain a complementary crop.
Rocalba organic Slenderette bean seeds, cylindrical pods 1cm wide
Sprouts emerge after about 7-10 days and show a rapid development. With each sowing stroke, about 3 plants can be obtained, removing or transplanting the weakest of each group. When the plant reaches about 15-20cm, soil is added, covering the stem until the first low leaves, thus enhancing stability and root development.
This plant needs few nutrients and requires abundant watering without waterlogging the roots. A certain constant humidity in the substrate should be maintained. It is very practical to install an automatic irrigation system to facilitate this task.
45 days after sowing, flowering starts and shortly after the bean production. These are cylindrical, about 14cm long and 1cm wide with white grains. The production continues until autumn, with the arrival of the cold weather.
Rocalba Organic Slenderette Bean Seeds info:
- 15g seeds sachet
- Robust and easy to cultivate
- Requires abundant water and few nutrients
- Fixes environmental N of and revitalizes the substrate
- Germination: Spring and summer
- Sow directly 4 seeds into open ground
- Ideal to soak the seeds 2-3h before sowing
- Requires a temperature between 15-30ºC to develop
- Suitable for both vegetable garden and pot
- Height 40-50cm
- Sow in rows at 40cm distance and 30cm between plants
- Ready to harvest in mid-spring, along 5-7 months