Rocalba Organic Helda Bean

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Alchimia Grow Shop presents Rocalba Organic Helda Bean Seeds, a rustic climbing variety with an early cycle that offers an abundant yield. It produces smooth, flat, threadless pods. It is a plant suitable for pot and garden cultivation.

Rocalba organic Helda bean seeds, vigorous and productive

Helda bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) belongs to the legume family and is native to Central America. It is an annual, climbing, vigorous and open-growing plant that can reach up to 2-3m in height. It requires stakes in which it can climb and curl up for optimum development.

It can be grown directly in open ground between spring and summer, ideally in staggered rounds separated by 20-30 days, thus obtaining a gradual harvest during several months. The seeds are placed in 3-5cm deep rows, in groups of 4 seeds per hole with a 30-50cm distance between plants and 0.5-1.0m between rows.

It requires a substrate which retains moisture well but does not get waterlogged. If the soil is very poor, it can be enriched with worm humus or manure. These plants are capable of fixing environmental N, so they do not require many nutrients. But they need a lot of sunlight, a shelter from the wind, and a temperature between 15-30°C, since if they are not protected from frost they can perish.

Rocalba organic Helda bean seeds, fruit production until the end of the year

In about 10-15 days the tender sprouts emerge from the ground. When the plants reach about 20-25cm high, one should arrange a mesh or stakes (forming a pyramidal structure) at about 3cm from each plant, so that the branches can curl up and promote vertical development.

It requires plenty of water, but avoiding waterlogging or drying out the substrate. It is a very good idea to install an automatic irrigation system in our cultivation to facilitate the task, thus maximising efficiency in order to obtain the best results.

From June the plant starts to produce beans. Beans are green in colour and 20-22cm long and 2-3cm wide. They are distributed all over the plant. It will gradually produce beans until the end of the year so you can enjoy a delicious flavour for many months.

Rocalba Organic Helda Bean Seeds info:

  • 15g seeds sachet
  • Robust, easy to cultivate variety
  • Resistant to bean mosaic virus
  • Requires abundant water and few nutrients
  • Fixes environmental N and revitalizes the substrate
  • Germination: Spring and summer
  • Sow directly into the soil 4 seeds per hole
  • Ideal to soak the seeds 2-3h before sowing
  • Requires between 15 and 30ºC to develop
  • Suitable for both vegetable garden and pot
  • Size: 200-300cm
  • Requires tutors to develop properly
  • Sow in rows at 50-100cm distance / 30-50cm apart between plants
  • Ready to harvest in mid-June, along 5-7 months

Properties of Rocalba Organic Helda Bean

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