MR-1 is a very concentrated liquid fertilizer for the growth phase. Its 10-40-20 NPK ratio is achieved with high quality raw materials, which allows using such high ratios without damaging the plant. Microelements have been also added in higher proportion and purity than usual, allowing the plant to be much faster and more efficient in the photosynthesis process, increasing this way the quality of the final product. In summary, the combination and proportion of NPK and trace elements are specifically studied to obtain the best possible yielding from our crop.
Its high percentage of phosphorus (P) ensures the necessary amount of this element for an explosive root growth, which ensures optimum plant feeding throughout its life. The same happens with potassium (K), ensuring the necessary amount for a robust growth, also providing an exuberant pre-flowering. The needed amount of Magnesium is also guaranteed to optimize the synthesis of chlorophyll and proteins.
MR-1 does not contain harmful dyes, and thanks to the purity and quality of the raw materials used it is not diluted with water. It is suitable for any type of substrate, perfectly dilutes in water and leaves no residues in drip irrigation systems that may end up in obstructions. In soils rich in nutrients, you should be very careful about possible overdoses due to the concentration of the product. Therefore, it is highly recommended the use of a tester to control the pH and EC levels of our nutrient solution at all times according to the needs of the plant at each stage.
How to use Metrop MR-1:
- Shake well before using.
- In rich soils apply 1-3 times / week.
- In hydroponics apply in each irrigation.
Metrop MR-1 Composition:
- Total nitrogen (N) 10.00% (Nitric (N) 4.65% - Ammonia (N) 5.35%)
- Phosphorus (P) 40.00% water-soluble
- Potassium (K) 20.00% water-soluble
- Magnesium (Mg) 1.50% water-soluble
- Iron (Fe) water-soluble, EDTA chelating agent 0.17%
- Manganese (Mn) water-soluble, EDTA chelating agent 0.085%
- Copper (Cu) water-soluble, EDTA chelating agent 0.085%
- Zinc (Zn) water-soluble, EDTA chelating agent 0.085%
- Boron (B) 0.035% water-soluble
- Cobalt (Co) water-soluble, EDTA chelating agent 0.0012%
- Molybdenum (Mo) 0.0012% water-soluble