Organic Tirabeques Pea - Les Refardes

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Pisum sativum

Tirabeques Pea is a legume is highly appreciated for its smooth texture and flavour and for being very digestive. It is harvested when it begins to be seeded, as the whole pod is eaten. It is necessary to stake the plant.

Les Refardes - Tirabeques Pea - Sowing and characteristics:

  • Direct sowing by placing 3 seeds per hole.
  • Plant spacing: 40 x 60 cm
  • Sowing in autumn. In very cold areas, it is advisable to sow around February.
  • Sachet: Approximately 20 seeds.
  • All Les Refardes seeds are of local variety and organic production.
  • Place and harvest year: Miquel Àngel Angelats, Aldover 2019.

Properties of Organic Tirabeques Pea - Les Refardes

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